We always look at what it means to be a man and where we may come up short. So what are you actively doing to become a better man? How are you trying to improve?

  1. Avoiding facebook are one of the things I do. It is the only SM I use and now I only use it for hobby groups and birthday tracking.

    I do other stuff to but I feel this one are one worth to highlight

  2. I journal in the morning and ready daily. I’m working on my head! I go to the gym 4-5 days a week. I have a great therapist. And I get a massage every 2 weeks. Self care has helped me so much! I’m an over thinker and because of my past I internalize everything and beat myself down over things I have no control over.

  3. I’m writing a diary and the side effect it, just that.

    I write dilemmas or problems I’ve encountered during the day or period of time. – Or what I noticed from life. (I’m very observant). And I have ongoing series of ‘Dreams’ and ‘Person who I want to be’. So basically almost daily I slow down look at day, reflect, and write meaningful message (to future me). During that self-realization what happened today I form opinion what I could(should) do better.

    Occasionally I read my diary to bring up thoughts I had, brain I have now and compare. Also repeating helps learn.

  4. Things I am doing to better myself:

    * Hitting the gym 4x a week
    * Going back to school to get an advanced degree
    * Reading way more and focusing on mental health, particularly in strengthening it (big fan of Stoicism)

    I am a firm believer that we men have the benefit of time on our hands. We peak later in life than women but if we do work on ourselves, our peak will be very rewarding.

    Being in incredible shape with a greater career and intelligent and with a stronger mind will open amazing doors for us.

  5. I’m trying my best to lose weight. It’s extremely hard because my body gains weight extremely easily, and loses it extremely difficultly. It’s been like that for everyone in my family though (men and women) so it is what it is.

  6. * Reading for leisure on most days
    * Meditating and praying daily
    * Exercising daily, trying to trim body fat
    * Trying to fight my driving phobia
    * Talking with a therapist every two weeks
    * Trying to finish my MPA program
    * Traveling more often (my most recent trip was to Mexia, TX a few weeks ago)
    * Limiting my time on distracting sites like here, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube
    * Pushing myself to go to more Meetup events
    * Learning how to improve at dating
    * Playing games on a dictionary app to improve my vocabulary
    * Figuring out what long-term career I want in local government

  7. Honestly? Not being driven by my penis every time I first talk to a girl I find very attractive, she’s a person, like you, like me, she ain’t a sex object

  8. Practicing listening more. I used to be a great listener. My attention span is so terrible these days, but at the same time I’m not an amazing story teller and people listen to me. Surely I can offer them back that same courtesy.

  9. hitting gym 3x a week, got back into studying, working harder and talking about the way i feel to close people. it shocked me how much stuff i hid deep in myself without even noticing, i still dont know how i missed some things that were right in front of my eyes. im avoiding social media and exposing, trying to live as peacefully as i can until i sort it out with myself what im going to do

  10. Taking a break when I push myself to my limits when doing demanding tasks, self care is important

  11. I work out.
    I work on my confidence issue
    I challenge myself to overcome my fears,like getting up and putting on shows infront of an actuall audience.
    Force myself to be the one iniating conversation with people i dont know that well.
    And I force myself to own up my misstakes,and speak my mind truthfully.

  12. Trying to be more understanding of others and keeping a true open mind about things.

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