Hey, im in my mid 20’s and other than confidence, what are tips or advices you could give to a normal looking guy (5’7 and 220 lb) trying to meet some specific girls that are really handsome and popular? Im not rich unfortunately.

I dont have friends in common with these girls so i gotta create courage and answer their instagram stories or anything like that to start a conversation.

I have seen so many amazing girls with regular guys and i feel like its not impossible. I just gotta get their attention but of course they probably get 20 DM’s complementing them every day.

I know its tough but i want to believe its not impossible.

What do you guys think?

  1. Be yourself and don’t hesitate. When approaching a girl, start with a neutral conversation starter and see how she responds. If she’s engaging, ur in.

    Have confidence with urself. Don’t worry about what people think of u. The worst thing that could happen is that she ignores u. But if it works, u scored a girl.

    Remember, open ended questions, and don’t do yes/no questions. It’s an engagement, not an interrogation

  2. You have a better chance in person than on their DMs. In person, girls are less superficial than on dating apps where they judge you by your photos only and your followers. In person you have a higher chance to create a connection. In dating apps you are just another guy trying desperately to get her attention which is very easy to lose even if you somehow get it

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