
My girlfriend (15) and I (16) have been dating for a month, but have liked eachother for a long time. Sort of frequently (especially after we are intimate), she brings up that she is scared I am using her for her body. She doesn’t necessarily say that she thinks I am using her for her body, she just said that boys in the past have done this to her and she is scared I am the same. She means so much to me and she’s so much more than just her body. I compliment her frequently and have offered to stop being intimate to show that I’m not just here for her body, but she said that she likes being intimate with me. What am I doing wrong? How can I reassure her that I’m not using her for her body, and prove to her that I like her for her?

  1. You’re not doing anything wrong. This is a personal issue for her.

  2. I mean maybe don’t compliment the body do you are, other traits like intelligence or hard working.

    Maybe do go celibate for a while and proceed to be just as kind and loving.

    Recommend her therapy.

    It will take proving it for her to believe. It sucks you’re being forced to but the world sucks and leaves scars.

  3. Its not anything you are doing. All you can do to help is reassure her and show her extra love and affection that isn’t physical. Texting her and surprising her and talking to her and spending time with her and then reassuring her again you wouldn’t be doing all of this stuff if you just wanted her body

  4. Like others have said, you can’t fix anyone else’s insecurities, nor should you try. This is something she has to deal with on her own. All you can do is keep proving to her with actions and words that she doesn’t have anything to worry about.

    Also, make sure the two of you are using protection!!

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