Still yet to find mine, literally had one gf and she broke up with me cause she couldn’t put up with me after 3 years. Like what can I do that would make a woman stay with me FOREVER, maybe even into the afterlife? I mean I’m only 22 and still in college, is it too late for me?

  1. If its too late for you then I’m screwed, Take it from someone who’s been chewed up and spat out a few times, You never know when you meet the right person at first, You may think you have, like I have before, only for something to change and suddenly back to your best Hand Solo nights.

    Things tend to just click, They say or do the right thing right when you need it, You suddenly feel like you need to do this or say that and find it’s what they needed, Everyone tries to way over analyse relationships which is why so many fail, No one knows how to make it perfect every time because humans are complicated, needy, distant and simple…

    You meet a nice person, Put your focus into getting a smile on their face (No Heath… not that way), Simple

  2. Waking up next to her looking into my eyes and realising that I couldn’t live the rest of my life NOT waking up to that and still be happy.

  3. It’s not when you excited when you see her. It’s actually the opposite: when you see her, everything is becoming calm, silent. It’s when you feel at peace near her.

  4. >I mean I’m only 22 and still in college, is it too late for me?

    I was 26 when I met my wife and 28 when we started dating.

  5. The average age of marriage for men is close to 30. Assume every relationship between now and 26 isn’t going to last. That’s normal and there is nothing wrong with you. Also I suggest therapy because it sounds like you have some dependency issues. Make friends, have a social life, and eventually you’ll meet someone who is a good match.

  6. Hey you’re still young. I’m 24 and still trying to figure it out myself. I am seeing someone and I think I’m in love with her but truly trusting her has been a challenge for me.

  7. Im not sure I had a aha moment. He showed me so many times what a good husband he would be, and yes, he exceeded expectations

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