(Sorry English isn’t my first language) I have a friend who there’s a small age barrier between us (he’s two years younger). We talk every so often over text or phone and he remembers everything /brings up old little things we talked about (very good memory!) whenever we DO hang out he always showers me with compliments in front of friends and always offers to help with small things. I noticed that on his story, he seems to repost music that, if I’m not being narcissistic, might be related to me somehow. It’s usually based on an album I’ve recommended to him a long time ago or something else we’ve discussed. Im very confused. We barely talk, and I’m first to initiate, unless he responds to my Instagram story. Every time we do talk, though, he is very enthusiastic. One time he called me out of nowhere and since I was surprised, he said “yeah I never call u” it was weird… this other time he said “I haven’t called you by your nickname in a long time you must be sad.” Huh? It’s like he was highlighting how much we don’t talk as a weird vibed joke. He says I’m the funniest person ever. Sometimes he tells me that he showed his sister or brother our messages because they’re so funny (they’re also my friends). He either responds quickly or after 24 hours… He is clearly a bit immature, but I really do value his friendship. Idk if he values mine as much or if he just wants me around here and there as an acquaintance. Am I not reciprocating enough? Or maybe I should stop reaching out? Maybe I’m reading into it too much but it’s hard to let go of a friendship that is so unique to me. He is very popular and likeable so maybe I care more than he does🤷🏻‍♀️

Tl/dr: slightly younger friend and I don’t often communicate but when we do, it’s a lot of fun. Am I a fool for caring or should I stop initiating conversations? Should I just stop reaching out?

  1. Stop texting Him, if he does texting you back that’s good , if not move on , I have been in this situation before , I Know how you feel , at first is going to be difficult but you will be fine

  2. Ok, he is being possessive. He wants to be more than a friend and he is afraid of rejection. If you don’t like him like that, then you should maintain a socially acceptable distance.

  3. He’s not being hot and cold, there are friendships that are like this, unless in your head you see him more than a friend so you read into it so much. But to be safe just don’t assume someone might have a crush on you just because he is being nice when you encounter

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