I’m honestly curious because a couple months back, I decided to focus on myself for a while and so far I ain’t really attracting any girls but I think I will eventually.

But yeah I started working out, working a job, working on getting my drivers license, and learning game development.

So far life is going decently for me as of now.
I do often question my life at times but I’m good for the most part.

I also started doing Tinder once again recently and my luck is absolute trash but I was expecting that though.
However I’m not going to use that as an excuse to not improve my profile.
If I’m going to get married in the future, I’ll might as well try to increase my chances of getting a girlfriend 2% just trying to have a good online dating profile.

But yeah I also watched a video just now and the guy said that you really need to love yourself first because that will make you wayyy more attractive which is true.

However, another thing I do believe though is that a lot of guys go with the “She will enter your life when you won’t realize” advice and then like 30 years or so go by and they are like 50, aren’t married, and are upset that they haven’t found their one yet.

What I believe all men should do is obviously love themselves first, but as they are working on themselves, they should try to AT LEAST find some female friends who share similar interests, because the best way to form deep love and connection is to just be friends first.

So what I’m going to try to do is actually try to find some female friends.
I’m not quite sure how the heck I’m going to do it, but I’ll try.

I’m working towards becoming a game developer and so maybe what I’ll do is join a game dev group or whatever that will consist of some women.

I should definitely state that I’ve never been successful TRYING to find a girlfriend.

In the past, all of the girls I’ve dated had a crush on me first.

And so if I’ve attracted girls in the past, I should be able to do the same now.

So yeah what do you guys/gals think of everything I’ve said??

Also since by far every dating app is trash, I thought it would be a cool idea to make an online dating game that will give Tinder a run for it’s money lol.

I was thinking of making it a fantasy game where you can pick your ideal type(which won’t be completely accurate just to be fair with average looking people), and you will get thrown into a server with someone that is your type, and then the game randomly picks who’s the host.

And once the host is picked, the host will then create a level or whatever that their partner will have to go through and if they die, they lose, but if they win, the host loses.

So yeah, kind of like dungeons and dragons.

And once the couple has played for Atleast a week, they will get forced to meet in real life in order for them to date.

This game(Atleast in concept) will be way funner and less depressing than those other cancer dating sites such as Tinder.

So what do you all think of that game idea??

  1. Improve your self and your self esteem and make an effort to meet women to date.

    Leave the game idea on the table. Don’t waste any time with it.

  2. I think your game idea is only fun for very specific people. For me, dating apps are for setting up dates. I like to know if we are a match in real life, not just online. Spending a week on a game sounds like a lot of effort to get to dating. May I ask, are you more comfortably online and is that’s why you want to prolong the online time with a game?

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