How has it been for you? Good or bad?

  1. Little snow but much clouds, wet weather and greyness.

    For me the lack of sunlight is worse than cold temperatures.

  2. I’m in Madrid now and the winter is really dry here. On Friday we had first rain this year, which is not common at all. Actually Madrid has similar average precipitation as Prague in winter.

  3. Rainy, grey and windy. Not very cold. Hardly any snow, at least where I am. (coast of East Scotland)

  4. The same as the others. 3-10°c, windy, rain and cloudy. We didn’t have the freezing 2 weeks yet.

    Now I’m just hoping it doesn’t extend into late may like last year.

  5. This winter was *much* warmer than usual. This is probably a sign of climate change so it’s worrisome. However, I am pretty sure the bill for heating will be cheaper this year so it has its advantages.

    It was also unusually windy this year. Not sure why.

  6. We had 2 weeks of cold (-10/-15) and a long period of somewhat stable -5. snow and ice in these periods. From mid january it has been changing between cold and warm, snowing and melting.

    I work outside and must say i prefer -10° more than 0°. This winter was quite similar to the previous years.

    South-east Norway

  7. Very warm. We had a few weeks of cold and a cold drop (as in, lots of sudden rain that’s typical in the Valencian communit) , but most of the season we’ve had spring temperatures (up to 27°C). It’s very abnormal.

  8. First mild and not particularly wet, then mild and very very windy, barring a few rainstorms. I’d rather it be colder but calmer, but bicycle commuters can’t be choosers.

  9. The winter seems a lot milder than normal. We have had some snow here in the hills in Scotland, but not to the extend I’d expect, it’s also been mostly around 10 C, which is about 3 C too warm… The storms have been horrendous though, several storms have really fucked up the forests here and the damage is still significant.

  10. A nightmare for us. Completely dry. We had a couple of days of rain, but very little and even yesterday I was driving home with 22,5°C and blue sky. Really sad as water consume restrictions are already a reality for agriculture and electrical production.

  11. Much warmer than usual and with a concerning lack of rain at a time where it normally rains a lot.

  12. Very, very rainy in Sicily before Christmas…I think it rained every day in November.

    Since the end of December, it’s been cold but mostly dry.

    ‘Cold’ for here means below 10°, and we have gone that low quite a few days and nights.

  13. Far too dry. We’re supposed to be one of the rainiest cities in Spain and this year it hasn’t been like that at all.

  14. Overly dry, and this past month it’s been quite warm actually. On the one hand it’s “nice weather”, but on the other hand I can’t help but feel uneasy. Drought and desertification are a real problem, and two weeks ago I went on a short trip to the north and centre of the country and was astounded had how dry those regions were (aside from Porto and Minho, was rainy and green in those places).

    I’m thankful that I only really felt cold indoors during December and January, and that this month I don’t have to turn on my heater or use a hot water bottle (because our houses are poor when it comes to heating), but seeing how dry it is is disconcerting…

  15. No snow yet, which is unfortunate because I would love to skate on natural ice. It has been pretty mild but a lot of rain. And of course we had a lot of storms recently which absolutely sucked. It’s not that different from usual, but last year we had a lot of snow for a few days.

  16. Very dry, almost no snow except for one big fall in december. Only a few smaller ones since, and sunny weather + temperatures going up to 10°C means it doesn’t really stays under 1200m.

    Temperatures on a wider range than “usual” too, -10 to +10

    This is becoming the norm though, last year had a huge amount of snow but previous years were similar to this one.

    For comparison, when I was a kid (~20 years ago) we had snow starting end of November/beginning of December, and it stayed until at least March. Living at 1000m. I still remember, I think it was in 2007 or 2008, we were confused to not have snow at Christmas… Now we don’t even think about it. Really feels like winter is not a thing anymore.

  17. Way too warm for my liking, I don’t think the temperature’s ever gone below -5ºC when it normally reaches -15ºC or -20ºC at least once. Didn’t have to use my usual winter jackets once. It’s only snowed once in the whole winter (in the Pyrenees), when it normally snows at least 5 times or so. It’s honestly very concerning.


    And the Catalan government is set on hosting the 2030 Winter Olympics here…

  18. I’d say it was a lot better, because I FINALLY HAD SNOW ON CHRISTMAS. In previous years I could only dream of it and it was more possible for the snow to fall on Easter… Cold temperatures are okay for me because I know how to dress up for the outside. However, recently there’s been more sunlight and my eyes are getting irritated and I can’t go out without sunglasses.

  19. Very mild. Barely any snow. Last couple of days are colder with heavy wind and it snowed a bit but it’s already mostly melted. 2-3 weeks ago it was borderline spring weather 10-14c.

  20. Perhaps ive just got a short memory but I feel this winter has been colder than last (apart from maybe 4 years ago when it snowed here in Rome)

    Also its gone on forever, I feel its been cold for like 3 months now!

    But im sure its just recency bias and its probably not that bad

  21. Mostly 2-5C fairly wet and windy. We have had this type of ‘winter’ for the last 3 years.

  22. It has been a typical winter for the coast of southernmost Sweden. Mostly a few degrees above zero, cloudy and grey, with quite a bit of rain and barely any snow. We did get some snow in December though, and especially around Christmas for once, which was really nice even if it was completely gone again by New Year. In much of February the weather was quite bad with lots of heavy wind and rain, but for the last week or so it has basically been spring and quite sunny with lots of flowers such as snowdrops and winter aconites and even mild enough to go without a jacket in the sun for a little while this past weekend.

  23. I‘m in the mountains and it has rained more than it has snowed this winter.. which says a lot

  24. hard to call it winter, looks more like prelonged autumn.
    we had some time with snow in dec, but hardly a winter. Same goes for temperature – we didn’t have low temperatures for longer time. I’v not even turned the heating on in my flat.

  25. December and January were grey and miserable, but dry. No snow and very little rain.

    February has been stormy, lots of rain, high winds, still no snow though.

  26. Pretty much a disaster here in Italy. The Po river, the biggest we have and one that all of the Pianura Padana depends on, has its water levels 25% lower than last January’s, which was as low as in August of 2020.

  27. In eastern Finland it’s been a pretty normal winter, except for snow. Way more snow than usually, some parts of the south got three or four times the average precipitation in February.

    Snow depth in already almost a metre here, and it’s only 1st of March. Every square metre of usable space is used to store all the snow in cities, and that’s still after thousands of truckloads of snow driven to the so-called [snow landfills](

    I’ve had to drive 350km south a couple of times to do the snow work at my dad’s place, he’s too old to do it himself. Usually my brother who lives in the same city does them, but if it snows 25cm in 20 hours and he has an evening shift, what can you do. Nurses come to check on my dad three times a day and they need to get there..

  28. Depressing, we don’t really get snow anymore :'( WhenI was little, we’d easily get 20+ cm of snow

  29. It’s been a lot windier at times. We had 3 named storms back to back a few weeks ago with red warnings in some parts, and the last supposedly had snow but I haven’t seen any. The temperature has been fluctuating a bit. This morning at 7.30am it was -1°c but now at lunch time it’s 9°c. Some days it’s got to about 12°c where I am in north east England.

  30. So far? Winter in Ireland ended on the 31st of January. It was a fairly mild winter and quite dry. The first month of spring was mostly good, with a bad period of storms as it got near the end. There is bright sunshine as I type this, on the first day of the second month of spring. A fairly good week is forecast, mostly dry.

  31. Far too mild it was 12 ° c on Christmas Day. Only now the weather is getting quite wintery.

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