this has happened to me a few times- a guy asks me out for a certain date ‘in the evening’, and does not set a time or date


like today, I was supposed to meet a guy for a baseball game (no time of meeting or meeting place set).

at 4, he asked me to meet him “somewhere” at 6, and we texted for a bit trying to decide on a place, and then he ignored my texts until he texted me right when the game started at 7.


I told him no, because I had to be somewhere around 9, and it would have been too difficult to get down there from where I was and back in time, I would have had very little time there


he was pretty irritated because he bought tickets but .. idk. I need a plan.

  1. You did the right thing.

    As a matter of fact, you were pretty lenient. I get irritated if I don’t have AT LEAST 24 hours notice.

    I partly do this because of anxiety and being an introvert, but also if they can’t be bothered to plan, then I can’t be bothered to go.

    It also sounds like he just wanted to add you into something he was already doing rather than make the effort to plan something specifically for you guys to do together.

  2. 100% on your side here! You were ready to be somewhere at six and he doesn’t text you until the game was actually starting. You are not at fault here. And if he’s mad about that then you probably are better off with someone else

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