(please don’t bash me for this im seriously trying to ask for help) so usually every time i meet a girl i fall in love super quick and it seems they do too? like it could be maybe a few hours to a day and i’m already in love. and sometimes shortly after that i’ll date them (1-7 days sometimes) and usually, we break up really quick. i mean, it doesn’t take me long to figure out what type of person they are and if we’re compatible so that’s why i fall in love so quick i guess. but the real issue comes to when i break up with them only a few days after dating, i really don’t understand why i do it and i hate it cause i really wanna be in a relationship but it never works out. please if anyone could help me that would be awesome, once again, please don’t bash me for it im seriously trying to fix this and have a good long lasting relationship. i feel like i’m playing girls and it really hurts me a lot cause i’m not meaning to.

  1. Try to slow down with dating them so quickly. Get to know them better first

  2. You don’t fall in love in a matter of hours. That’s hormone-fueled attraction or infatuation. Love is far deeper and more real and it isn’t a state of feeling or emotion.

    Infatuation dissipates with time and love deepens with time. It sounds like it would benefit you to focus on personal growth and developing emotional maturity for a period of time. The connections you explore after that are likely to have a more solid foundation with greater potential.

  3. I don’t think you’ve ever been in love. Sounds like lust/hopefulness/excitement.

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