I had a job at Chick-Fil-A for a couple of weeks and I stuttered so much when I would talk to customers and it was so embarrassing (my managers never cared but it was still embarrassing for me). Sometimes when I talk the word I want to say will be in my mind but it’s as if my mouth won’t let me say it it’s hard to explain. Just any advice

  1. Try to find thoughts that relax you. Don’t get caught up on thinking about yourself. Just be. Let it be. You are good enough, cool enough, adorable and charming. We all have insecurities. You aren’t weird or different in a bad sense. We all want to belong. Healthy people will see you for who you are inside. Much love!

  2. Practice.

    I was like this too but because I’m a nurse and see patients all the time I learned to get over it. I’m never going to see these patients again after they leave the hospital. Why am I so nervous around them? You learn to get over it. Take a deep breath and practice with every new customer.

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