guys, I know i’m not very active in the sub and sometimes I come across as a jckss and a snarky mofo…

but please, hug your kids and your wives.

my son died suddenly this week in his sleep. he was 8 months old. i am absolutely devastated and destroyed.

Please. hug your wives, love your families, hold them dearly and make each second count.

pray for my family as we heal…..

  1. Words can’t describe and I’m sure only few can relate. So, so sorry.

    Please make sure you get emotional support for yourself, OP. In most of these cases the man makes sure his wife gets all the support in the world and they tend to forget about their own. I want to tell you that you’re not selfish for wanting to cry, shout, and seek out help for yourself. Your pain is as valid. Again, so sorry for your loss.

  2. Im so very sorry. I loat my daughter in 2013 and its insane how painful it is. I will.not say it get easier nor will i say youll ever get over it!! No hes not in a better place, with their.parents is the better place imo!! You’ll hear so.much from well meaning people that just dont no what to say exactly. You may also loose some people you thought were close only because your going threw something so sad and unimaginable that it scares people. Hopefully you won’t!! Do you have other children? I do and xmas is so hard!! Ill be praying for you and your family!!! Much love….

  3. I am sorry for your loss. Please find a healthy way to deal with the trauma that you are going through.

  4. Oh my god I’m so sorry. Feel free to DM me for venting or whatever else. My not-sarcastic thoughts and prayers are genuinely with you.

  5. I’m so sorry.

    It may be of little consolation, but you posting this will make a difference in someone’s life. I think we all take what we have for granted and this is a reminder we all need sometimes.

    Again, so so sorry for your loss.

  6. There are no words that are adequate to address what you and your family are going through, but there are a lot of people here who are keeping your son, you, and your family in their minds & meditations as we all move through this life. I hope you can find peace and make sense out of things with time. Hang in there, and I’m just very sorry.

  7. So sorry to hear that!

    My baby brother died under similar circumstances when I was ten. I am now 65.

    From time to time I still think of what sort of person he would have become.

    For what it is worth, we do survive losses of this kind, and I hope we can all find ways to make the world just a little better, perhaps in memory of those who never got to share the world with us.

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