So me and my family plus 2 other families are renting a beach house for the week and there are like 20 of us. I’m 24 and the other girl I’m roomed with is 15. There is a bathroom connecting our room to another room where a 12 yr old boy, his mom, and grandma are staying. Me, the girl, and the boy have been getting along these past 3 days. (We mostly sat in the living room watching horror vids or grouped together when we were in the water cause we all have boogyboards). Well around an hour and a half ago, the 15 yr old came back into the room and let me know she found someone’s phone in the bathroom but sounded freaked. So I went into the bathroom and sure enough, his phone was propped up on the sink recording with the toilet and shower in frame. The rest of the adults (including his mom and grandma) are all partying right now and it’s currently 1:30 am. When she found the phone, 15 checked and made sure it didn’t catch anything but deleted the 30 mins it recorded. (There was one other video I think he took by accident of him setting it up and she left that). I hid his phone in the mirror cabinet and after I noticed he’d gone in there to check on his phone and couldn’t find it, I put it back in a similar spot where he left it. Partially to mess with him but also to let him know we know. I genuinely don’t know how to proceed though cause I feel like I should tell his mom but have no idea how to get her separated from the other adults tomorrow so this isn’t blow into something huge. I know that he’s found his phone again but he hadn’t said anything to us about it so idk what he’s thinking.

  1. I would announce it if front of everyone in the morning. This is huge, what if he tries a different bathroom?

  2. If you get access to his phone again, grab it.

    Then take the phone, and pull this boy, his mother, the 15-year old, and the 15-year old’s mother into a room together. Close the door, and explain calmly to the other adults what you found in the bathroom.

    Explain to the 12 year old that any videos he might have recorded of minors would be child pornography, which might require him to register as a sex offender on top of being arrested and charged as a peeping Tom. Ask him if he wants that, or if he thinks it would be smarter to never, ever, do anything like this again.

    Then tell everyone that you are going to lock this phone away for the rest of the week for the protection of everyone’s privacy.

    If either the mother or the son makes a fuss about you locking the phone away, tell them the alternative is to call the cops and have them come confiscate the phone and see what other videos and pictures might be on there. Then go lock it in your glove compartment or some place the kid can’t find it and take it back while you’re out on the beach. Don’t give the phone back without first getting his passcode and thoroughly checking for videos of yourself and the younger girl that need to be deleted (from both phone and cloud backup)

    Hopefully this will terrify the little creep enough that he never tries to pull this shit again.

    Unfortunately, this is one of those situations where if you just pretend it never happened, this kid will be emboldened, thinking that even if he gets caught again in the future, there might not be any consequences, and emboldened idiots ruin lives (their own as well as others).

    It’s important that at least one of the 15 year old’s parents be in the room because their child was targeted, and also because the creep’s own parents need to truly understand the severity of the situation. his mom might try to steamroll you and intimidate the younger girl, but they’re less likely to pull that shit in front of a third adult

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