What’s something every man should experience once in his life?

  1. Travel or anything that allows you to learn and gain a new perspective for that matter.

  2. 1. A massage, or some level or pampering, most guys the closest they get is the barber

    2. A true genuine compliment from someone who knows them, we’re far too quick to put eachother down even if it’s just, banter

    3. Cook a proper meal from scratch, go fancy with it, it’s OK to fuck it up a few times when you learn and practice.

    4. A proper fitted/tailored suit, I don’t care how much the suit cost or how well it fits off the rack, pay the bit extra get it altered for you.

    5. Shoot a gun, go camping in the proper wild, fend for yourself.

    6. Get in a fight, even if it’s just sparing in a boxing gym,.

    7. A really good orgasm you can’t function for a bit after you shoot your load haha

  3. I would say drugs only as an experiment, not getting hooked because it really is like playing russian roulette

  4. * Travel to a country drastically different from his own
    * Something that scares you… jump out of a plane or something

  5. • Being Physically Exhausted but still pushing on. At some point in life every guy has to test himself, so he truly knows what he’s capable of.

    • Being a trusted comrade. Basically wether it be thru sports or other group activities. Every guy should learn what it’s like working as a team & having to rely on others. They should experience leadership & grunt work.

    •Every guy should experience a father like figure. A older guy that not only mentors but acknowledges small gains. A figure they can model their own image from.

    •Every guy should experience a “Wonder moment”… Wether it be a natural landscape, the starry night or profound love. Every guy should experience a moment where their perspective shifts & something deep gets stirred.

  6. Changing the oil in your car.

    Build something … anything to feel the accomplishment of constructing something with your own hands and effort.

    Catch a fish, clean it, prepare it, cook it, eat it, and enjoy.

    Play a game … ANY game and win to know what victory feels like.

    Play a game … ANY game and lose to know what defeat feels like.

  7. Replacing the thermostat on a vehicle while the coolant is still hot because you need to get on the road to meet your long-distance friends.

  8. Go to a dark hilly area far away from city lights on a clear sky day and lie down in the night and see the entire milky way galaxy above you. It is breathtaking. Most of us live with too much light pollution these days and will live our entire life without seeing even once how the night sky truly looks like. If more interested, you can look up a popular stargazing spot near you.

  9. Despair.

    Life is full of challenges and the sooner you can overcome them and move on, you’d have gained something to proud of.

  10. Getting his ass kicked. Just one time fuck around and find out. It’ll change you. The movies make a punch to the face look like nothing, but it fucking hurts, sometimes for a few days.

  11. Cutting a tree down. Changing a flat tire. Sex. And eating something weird and foreign just once.

  12. Unfortunately I would say a self-imposed heartbreak. Makes you rethink a lot of things and from personal experience, reshapes and matures you as a person. Although it sounds shitty, you really start to value everything you once saw as given as true blessings.

  13. building something with your own hands

    travel to some place very different from your common life.

    Put yourself in a unconfortable position and test your limits, you may discover that you need to improve or that you are stronger than you have imagined.

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