Hi all,

I went out with friends over the weekend and got talking to this woman over some drinks, played my cards right and ended up going back to hers. (M24 & F20???)

I was fully expecting ONS, however she only wanted to cuddle, I didn’t want to walk away and seem like a dick, therefore I stayed and spooned on the couch, it was better than going home alone if I’m honest.

She was also quite emotional due to a drunken fight with her good friend and I didn’t want to leave her alone while drunk (and most likely crying if I left).

Overall, I enjoyed the night from start to finish, and also stayed with her in the morning and let her vent.

Do Women sometimes only want to cuddle, or was it due to being emotional and therefore no longer horny?

Thank you.

  1. Yep, not every woman wants to jump right into sex with someone they just met. This is also true of men.

  2. I hope you can also realize if she’s too drunk to be left alone, she’s also too drunk to consent to sex.

  3. As a man, I very much like the idea of cuddling over sex. I think it’s more mature just to be with someone you care about and showing them affection in other ways than boning them. I see a lot of stories on here where a man thinks they practically have to force themselves on someone just to prove their love whether the girl wants it or not and that’s not right.

    On the flip side though, I’ve seen stories where the girl is upset with a man that they’re attracted to doesn’t immediately want to throw their pants down on the spot and have even left their BF over it.

    Communication as always is the key to a good relationship. Always communicate with your significant other about what you like and don’t like and respect their boundaries; no means no, not maybe. If you aren’t willing to compromise for the sake of who you’re with or can’t be open with them about your feelings, then you should question why you’re in a relationship with said person.

  4. I don’t think this is an either/or situation. Humans like different types of physical interaction with other humans. So, she wasn’t in the mood to bang – big deal.

  5. Women? Brother… Cuddling is the shit!!! šŸ˜€ honestly. I enjoy the f out of sex. But… Cuddling is where it’s at šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ

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