I met a guy on a dating app a little bit back. He “on paper” seemed fantastic, totally my type, we matched and he was kind, but he was kind of slow to respond. I read something that said if someone takes a certain amount of time to reply (I don’t even remember the time anymore) it’s because they have no interest. At that point I felt he must only message me when he’s bored so I’m just going to pass and chat with someone else.

About a week later I kind of regretted it, but felt it was obviously too late to send something now without looking sketchy PLUS I remembered he did take his time to respond so who cares.

Well he messaged me yesterday…we had barely exchanged hellos and he asked me about not replying to him. He wondered if I didn’t get the message. I’m a good liar, but I didn’t want to lie when I’m trying to meet someone for a relationship—talk about worst way to start off haha so I admitted I hadn’t replied and when I considered messaging back it seemed way too late so I was just nervous.

He replied that “we have a lot we need to discuss” wtf does that mean? He went on kindly about preferring to chat in person, he gave me his number and the area he lives that we can meet somewhere for drinks or coffee. I responded with my number and sometime this weekend could work.

He text me, he is out of town this weekend, he wants to meet TONIGHT, he also messaged me on the app that he text me idk if I didn’t reply fast enough, in my gut something feels so so off.

  1. Tell him it’s too late notice if you don’t want to go. That you’d be available after he gets back? See how he responds & communicates after that and see if something still feels off. I won’t do same day dates. Schedule in advance or I’m not available.

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