So tomorrow i see my ex to give her all of her stuff back. It will probably be the last time i see or talk to her. It hurts me so much. When i see her im not going to fight for the relationship or anything im just going to give her, her stuff. However, i am going to give her a letter. And in this letter it is expressing how much i love and care about her, happy memories, and how i wish her well in her future. Something along those lines. I wanted to know if this will make me appear less masculine. Im on my journey to improve as a man and become more masculine. Strong mentally and emotionally. And i want to know if giving a letter like that not “masculine”. Will it make me seem sappy?

  1. Why would it 😐?

    What do you think the “masculine” response would be?

  2. Years u will look like a bitch. 1,000%. Burn it. She’ll tell everyone she knows & they will have a good laugh

  3. Stop worrying about whether or not you’re coming off as masculine. That’s worrying about appearances and will only make you weak and vulnerable to manipulation. Focus on being a good person. That’s all you need.

  4. “On my journey to improve as a man” “and be more masculine” are two completely contradictory things. Not that being masculine is negative, but it shouldn’t be a performance and you shouldn’t make decisions based on how you perceive someone might view how masculine they are. You own your own masculinity and being brave enough to express your emotions is tough as hell. Do it with confidence. Words and feelings have power. Know yourself and improve yourself and masculinity will come with it.

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