Which century or decade of the past would you like to live in and why?

  1. 90s or early 2000s

    We have the benefit of technology before our minds got ruined by it

  2. in the 19th century in the wild west, I would like to feel this era, as a fan of westerns

  3. As close to this one as possible as it’s been the best for women to live in in terms of equality and rights.

  4. in a time before electronic gadgets, televisions, and the Internet. When people communicated more face-to-face and read books

  5. None of them. I’m a mentally ill woman, the further back I go, the worse it’s gonna get for me.

  6. I would go back 10 years so that I wouldn’t make those mistakes that would change my life

  7. 60s

    Great music and fashion
    Decade of positive change, unlike the negative change/regression that’s happening now (at least in the US)

  8. 1990s at least – women couldn’t have their own bank accounts until 1976. Fuck romanticizing that.

  9. I’d like to visit some past times, but I wouldn’t want to live anywhere but now. A lot of now is still horrible for a lot of women, but the past was way way worse. Also I’d die anytime before like the 30s because that’s when my meds were invented.

  10. Unless I can be a man I want to stay in this one, while its obvious we have a long way to go regarding women’s rights I do not want to live in a world where it is worse.

  11. I’d like to be in ancient Palermo, hanging out with some cool ass scholars, just before Christianity came to destroy 1000s of years worth of knowledge. We would have been so much more advanced as a civilisation without Christianity heavy handed rule, it’s ridiculous.

    This is not a dig against modern Christianity, just a dig at Christianity back in the day burning all our books and banning scholars, we’ve lost a hell of a lot of knowledge and story’s. We had library’s full of history’s of past civilisations that are completely forgotten and we will never know about them because all the evidence has crumbled away.

    To think all that knowledge and not having to worry about climate change…

  12. None. I’m a woman, it’s not great now but it’s surely better than it has been in most recent history!

  13. Back to 1977.
    Invest everything I have in Microsoft and Apple.
    Wait for the 1990’s and sell. Reinvest the lot into Amazon and Google.
    Use that money to buy political influence and actually make some changes for the good worldwide.

  14. I wouldn’t like to stay because obviously there were major problems, but I’d like to experience a few days in the 50’s.

  15. Yeah, this game is only fun for white men.

    As a woman, if you go back a few decades you have pretty much zip rights and if you go back a few centuries you would automatically get burned at the stake cause “Woman that knows things” = WITCH

  16. None because the medicine I need to live is a recent discovery and I’d just suffer and die slowly in the past.

  17. 80’s. Best music. Best movies. Best TV. Best porn. Pretty actresses. Shoulder pads. Suntan pantyhose. Affordable houses and cars. Honda Prelude. Honda CRX. Ferrari Testarossa. Lamborghini Countach. Clothes shopping forever in big malls and all of them good quality. Taco Bell and a good Big Mac and fries for $2. Hairspray. Cassette players. Sony Walkman! Nintendo…Sega! Going to the theater friday night. Video game arcades, bookstores that…carried books.

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