How do you get a pay rise as a women?

  1. Show them your worth and be not afraid to ask what you want. It’s not gonna fall into our laps unfortunately!

  2. How are you different as an employee from a man? The main thing is competence, qualifications, work and initiative

  3. Work hard, do extra job-specific training in your own time, collect data supporting why you deserve the raise in salary (maybe bring up what other people in your field with your qualifications are getting paid), then confront your boss with all of that and ask directly.

  4. It’s a strange division by gender. These days, women are much more successful in their careers. The main thing is the goal. You have to work hard every day, be proactive, and everything will work out

  5. Ask, get a better offer elsewhere and see if they’ll match or improve or move companies.

    Obviously be able to back up the asking at your current job with evidence as to why you should get a pay rise.

    My most significant raises have been from moving to a new company though.

  6. I put a meeting in with my boss. I prepared my case beforehand – I had testimonies from clients I had worked for and from my peers, collated feedback from my annual review and I brought in evidence that I had 2 male colleagues with fewer qualifications and less experience than me but were earning £20k more than me.

    Ultimately I ended up leaving because they couldn’t justify the pay rise and I got a job elsewhere that offered me £30k more. My boss then offered me £10K to stay. I still left. So being prepared for the fact that they might refuse and you might have to look elsewhere is also key to this process. Know your worth and stick to it.

  7. Ask for it. If you don’t get it, or if the raise you get is not satisfactory, find a new job that will pay you more. When offered a new job that pays more, you will likely be counter-offered at your current company. If you like your job, take the counter offer. If not, leave for the better salary.

    Hard work is rarely recognized or properly compensated. Ask your co-workers their salaries so you can gain an understanding of what you should ask for.

  8. Need to shop around for jobs and have options. Having options and not being afraid to walk away from the first offer will get you very far

  9. Ask for it. Come prepared with reasons why you deserve and need it. I’ve heard many men say they need x amount to afford a down payment for a house or for their spouse to take care of the kids.

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