People marry each other for the sake of love then why sex substitutes it later. Why is that? Is it possible to be happy in a relationship without sex? What’s your reason?

  1. It’s not about having or not having sex. Its what works for you both and your relationship

  2. A sexless marriage may last if both partners are asexual in orientation. For others sex is an important bodily function like thirst, hunger or sleep. It’s like asking if you can drink water and not pee or eat food and not poop šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Humans respond to touch and of course there are hormones. So sex is a way of expressing that you want to bare yourself (even physically) to this one person because you love them. Also, who doesn’t like orgasms?

  3. What others do or donā€™t do in their relationships is none of my business as long as both are happy with their situation.

    Personally, I couldnā€™t be with someone if there was no sex. I enjoy far too much to give it up.

  4. It depends on the couple. Common sense would tell you, there is no one answer across the board.

  5. A sex-less marriage can last less, more, or equal to the amount of time of a sexed marriage. Itā€™s a matter of meeting each otherā€™s needs.

    I, for example, have no desire to ever have sex. Like other things people expect me to have done, Iā€™ll likely try it once, and never again.

  6. Depends on the couple and how significant sex is for a relationship for them. I have a high sex drive, but my boy doesnā€™t, but I can manage without doing it. I definitely couldnā€™t manage if there was no kissing/cuddling tho šŸ˜…

  7. Sex is a collaborative effort. Both of you are working together to have a good time. Should your daily lives keep you from activities together sex is a great way to remember that you are a team and supposed to work on your life and relationship together. The same can be said for making dinner though.
    Sex floods the body with oxytocin, a hormone responsible for making the two of you feel close, helping you build trust, all in all strengthening the relationship. The same can be said for cuddling.
    A marriage without sex can work and can be loving and strong as long as both partners have equally low sex drives.
    Hormones, lifestyle and prior experiences influence how much sex someone wants.
    If one partner likes sex, has a big sex drive and feels closest to their partner during sex a marriage might not be so happy if the other doesn’t want to have sex.

  8. Different people find different aspects of a relationship important. Sex can be an intimate, loving, and bond-reinforcing act that you enjoy together for some people, but for others it can be a meaningless chore lacking any sense of connection. It’s likely to be more important to the people who experience in the former way than those that experience in the latter. Not everyone has the same desire for or experiences with sex.

    Humans differ. The relationship characteristics they prefer differ. Sex and attitudes towards sex are just part of many things that may make people feel more or less compatible with each other.

  9. I’m sure it’s entirely possible to be happy in a sexless marriage if that’s what works for all of the parties involved. It would not work for us though, because we enjoy sex.

  10. For me, sex is an essential part of a healthy, committed relationship.
    I was made to feel crazy for wanting sex. He used any and every excuse to avoid intimacy with me. I was severely depressed, lonely, and confused.
    I stayed married to him for far too long.

  11. It can for some, but certainly not for me. I would not be happy in a romantic relationship with no sex. Love and sex are highly intertwined. I can have purely physical, loveless sex, but I cannot have nonphysical, sexless love.

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