I(22m) was with my gf(23f) last night watching Netflix at her place. We haven’t had sex yet and yes I am a virgin. Everytime we meet , we makeout for an hour or two which includes everything above the belt. We are naked above the belt. But last night for the first time she tried to initiate something more by sliding my hands down so I unbuttoned and unzipped her pants. I didn’t put my hands inside her underpants but rather tried to do pleasure her from outside (surface). So yes I made a fool out of myself as I wasn’t able to find her vagina from outside her underpants. I have no idea what the hell I was doing moving my fingers here and there. I definitely weirded her out.
So guys please tell me if I should talk her about this or should I just wait for the next time and do better ??

  1. Tell her she caught you a little off guard but you have made up your mind and would like to proceed. Also be honest that you are inexperienced, if she doesn’t already know. Ask her for some guidance.

    And by the way, depending on what she wore, it’s hard to find the vulva. Jeans and other street clothing or jogging pants can make it impossible to feel anything. But in that case she also might feel little to nothing through the fabric. That’s the reason I like my Gf to wear thin spandex clothing because you can feel a lot and if I touch her it helps to give a nice tingly feeling.

  2. just communicate with her ! she’ll understand that you aren’t very experienced, as well as this don’t give yourself such a hard time, it was only from the surface. just let her lead you and get to know what she likes and how she likes it.

  3. Maybe try reading ‘Come As You Are’ by Emily Nagoski. Its a great book about how to go about accessing pleasure.

  4. If it makes you feel any better, women aren’t exactly pros either. It can be hard to find a guy’s member through outer clothes. It could be literally be anywhere in a 360° range. lol.

    Unfortunately, sex runs in tandem with awkwardness and embarrassment at times. All you can do is laugh it off. Anything else is sort of unattractive. I think you’ll learn that with time.

    Don’t get down on yourself. <3

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