If you’re a guy who doesn’t want kids and you find out your ex is pregnant with your kid, what would you do?

Any men in this situation who ended up happy they are going to be a dad?

  1. Have to take up responsibility and raise the child if the child is mine. No other way around it.

  2. You’re my ex, I don’t want a child, if you choose to move forward with the pregnancy against my wishes, that’s your own dumbass decision and you making the unanimous decision to become a parent is in no way going to force me into being a dad or a source of income.

  3. I never wanted kids but I got my ex pregnant and now I have a 2yo boy who I’d do anything for and I wouldn’t go back for anything

  4. I’d never ask a woman to abort my child, I’ll take full responsibility of the kid make things work with my ex. My ex-girlfriend isn’t a bad person, in-fact she’s a lady that I’d consider to be wife material. We broke up on good terms, so I would gladly have a kid with her. She’s moving down to where I live though. My ex is a smart lady, we’d be a happy family!

  5. I wouldn’t be happy. Not for having a kid but knowing I have to deal with an ex on a regular basis

  6. My ex is pregnant with my kid. She is due in october. Im not afraid of being a dad but i know she is gonna make my life difficult. Can only hope for the best

  7. It would mean that she has stolen semen. I’d sue her and get away from the psycho as far as I can.

  8. Why would someone who doesn’t want kids be happy he’s going to be a dad and the mother is someone he already separated from?

  9. I need up with the kid at 2 months. I couldn’t be happier. 19 years old, and he is a decent human being.

  10. Get a paternity test.
    Of it turns out that I’m the dad. Then I begin co-parenting. Whether I like it or not. Not really a choice too considering the courts will say that I have to pay child support.

  11. The question assumes I’m irresponsible, running around banging all of these women and I don’t want kids. I don’t think any of that is true for myself.


    With saying that, if I didn’t want children and an oops happened than I’d hope she opts for an abortion or raises the kid on her own & pays for everything herself. Most likely, she and the government will hit me up with child support and than be hypocritical by bad mouthing me for not being a father – engaged in the childs life.


    At the end of the day, the only choice men have is to simply not be there. There is no get out of jail free card the way women have.

  12. Well i discovered my ex was pregnant with a kid that would be mine, but at the time i discovered it she had get an abortion already. I didnt even bothered to ask if she was ok. (She didnt tell me, and we break up super chill with each other).

  13. I first would request a DNA test. If it truly is my child I would pay child support and be the child’s father

  14. Paternity test and if positive move heaven and hell that this kid doesn’t grow up in a broken home. Takes two to make a kid so own up to it.

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