What does ds mean? Dont want to appear stupid lol, she asked it right after she told me about her kinks.

  1. Nintendo DS

    The Nintendo DS is a handheld game console produced by Nintendo, released globally across 2004 and 2005

  2. Just ask its no stupid to ask if you don’t know I dumb to pretend that you know

  3. She just wants to know if she can link to your Nintendo DS and trade Pokemon with you

  4. It’s a two letter abbrevation. You’re not stupid for asking but you’re def slowing down the convo by asking here.

  5. Girl astral projected in her sleep back in 2007 and trying to find out why nobody has a DS anymore

  6. Why the fuck do people speak in acronyms without any semblance of awareness of who their audience is?

  7. D/s stands for dominant submissive in regards to kink but I’m not sure what context she used it in if I were you I’d ask her to clarify.

  8. Because this is r/socialskills, my honest social skill advice is that you should have just asked. Don’t even hesitate! You won’t sound stupid. Just say “what’s that?” Simple as can be. That said, if the context was sexual kinks she probably meant “D/s” which stands for a Dominant/submissive relationship in the BDSM community. It’s worth noting she’s likely not much more knowledgeable about it than you are, because the formatting in “D/s” is quite important and asking if you “have” it is strange wording.

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