long story short, 7 year LDR that was on/off 4 times, included an engagement and 2 moves across the country is coming to an end. (technically we didnt have the “i wish you the best” full convo yet, but we both know its here)

yesterday i get a text from my ex saying she is flying into to town to see the house that i didnt like thats in a city 3 hours away from where i live (she was mad because i couldnt instantly relocate there, which prompted our breakup). She wants me to see her & go see it “incase we decide to work on things”. I feel like its a trap, some way to manipulate, etc. I tried to fly to go see her for 4th of july weekend and she basically ghosted me right before we broke up so i didnt go, and now she makes an impulse decision to come here TODAY and expects me to just drop everything.


Today she went and saw that house, she tried to call me right after and i gnored it. I thought she would get the point considering we arent talking and ive been texting things like “i hope you find your happiness” when she tries to contact me. I dont want to be pulled back into that crappy relationship, and i have a feeling shes trying to hit me up to help her buy the house, or move her back here across the country. She may also be just wanting to see me, which i see no point of (if she was going to make time for me, she could have when i tried to call or go see her)…. Thoughts?

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