There’s a girl in the office (different floor) who came in few months ago.

We began talking around a month ago or so, things seem good (we flirt quite a lot, had few casual touching such as hugs/cheek kissing).

Last week she ordered an hamburger and chose “Well Done”. I told her “Jesus you take well done? Ok I’m divorcing you”

She said “Haha but we haven’t got married yet!”.

When she was upset once (she despises her boss) I hugged her and she leaned her back on my shoulder (I guess you guys could have escalated it like pros, but unfortunately I’m not too successful at this and I was kinda surprised she repcrocrated).

I took those as a positive signals.

Now here’s where shit could go down for me.

I’m a horrible texter, I cannot flirt or make solid conversations over text. I overthink it, each message goes through series of approvals in my mind before hit send.

She began texting me, first through skype at work and now Whatsapp.

I know now it’s time to take the shot.

Besides, I think she was expecting me to ask her out already.

She told me she loves Marvel movies (there’s the new Thor movie), now as a rule of thumb I’m aware of how bad movie idea is, but listen to this:

The theater is seated near an amazingly romantic lake, with a bar or two and restaurants around.

I know that movie date is bad idea since you have no chance to talk and know each other. But we are already talking, she’s not a completele stranger I met somewhere, I know her to an extent.

What if after the movie, will get an ice cream and walk along the lake?

  1. You already know that going to the movies isn’t the best first date. But if you think just because you are talking, this is the safe move to make, perhaps schedule the movie for after hanging out at the lake or wherever first. That way, you can have interaction and use the theater as a time to rest.


    But know that movie is also a bad idea because you may be talking, but you are losing valuable time to get to know each other on a date level. The office interaction is professional side merging into personal. So it may be nice to maximize the time now to see if she really is who you want to date. As you know, workplace romance can get messy and it is always best if things are quick to not get too messy. GL

  2. Do the romantic stuff by the lake first, maybe a light meal. Then see how she behaves in the movie. Does she hold your hand or put her head on your shoulder. Put your hand on her armrest and see where it leads. You can still go back to the lake after for dessert. See if she offers to pay for anything. You bought the dinner, maybe she buys candy or popcorn?

  3. Save the movie for after dinner. Before the movie though you need to break the touch barrier a little more.

    Movies aren’t a good way to get to know someone but they are a good at playing up the whole making out at the movies fantasy.

    If the movie goes well and you both have escalated then the possibilities are endless.

    In regards to texting though, if you don’t like it, don’t do it. Give her a call or something.

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