Today Malala Yousafzai turns 25.What do you think about her?

  1. I keep forgetting that she’s younger than my brother

    Shot in the head at 15 god damn

  2. She’s been out of the news for quite a few years now. Likely, a lot of people won’t recognize the name right away

    But when her story first came to light, it was all over the news for a good few years.

  3. She was huge news in the US nearly a decade ago when she addressed the United Nations and met Hillary Clinton, etc., but her profile is lower here nowadays. Partly because the media lost interest: a heroic child activist recovering from a near-fatal attack is a big story, another twenty-something activist in the crowd, not so much.

  4. Haven’t thought about her in a decade. Hope she’s doing well, but other than that I don’t care.

  5. She’s the girl who the Taliban tried to assassinate for blogging and speaking out in favor of women’s education? I think that’s a noble and worthy goal.

  6. Hasn’t been in the news in a long time. Haven’t thought about her in a long time until reading this.

    The real cynical answer is that she is like Greta Thunberg and was a child political prop used by activists.

    The difference is Malala actually suffered to get to her activism and I think is much more impressive than Thunberg.

  7. She’s definitely got a lot more drive than I do. I’m sure she’ll continue to have an impact.

  8. I actually think about her fairly often because she’s in 2 different books that my 2 year old daughter has me read to her all the time. I heard she got married somewhat recently? Good for her. I hope she’s doing well. She’s an inspiration to young women.

  9. I think she is brave, intelligent and well spoken. A role model.

    Why is she disliked in Pakistan?

  10. Never heard of her. I looked up her Wikipedia page and it sounds like she does good work, she just doesn’t really make the news here.

  11. I like her quite a bit. The thing is, we should never have heard of her. We know who she is because of what monstrous people did to her.

    I wish her a happy and prosperous life and I admire her courage.

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