Hello people! After a long time, I managed to get in touch with a girl through social networks. We corresponded for a good two weeks, I asked her to meet but she said that she didn’t have time at the moment because of her university commitments, after which we continued to hear each other normally until the exam period began and then she stopped answering messages. Was it just an excuse for her to reject me and stop contacting me or maybe she really limits her time on social networks in order to devote herself to her duties? (it’s hard to answer this, I know 😀 ) Other than that, everything went as it should, we heard each other every day, I mostly wrote first, but she answered too. In general, the problems are miserable, but considering that I really liked her and that I haven’t felt “that something” in communication with her for a long time, all of this brings me to the moment of asking for help in this way. I don’t know what to do, I sent her two messages that she didn’t even open, and she appeared a couple of times on the social network, I don’t know how to behave in the future, whether I should write to her again or simply wait until she answers, she replied: D Thanks in advance!

  1. Sounds like you might be messaging her a lot, which can feel smothering. You may want to give her some space and try reaching out to her in a week or two. If she still doesn’t respond, it is probably a sign that she isn’t interested in you.

  2. If she was interested in you then she would have made a little time. She isn’t interested, move on. No need to dwell on it, you scared her off.

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