What’s the closest you have come to marrying someone?

  1. I currently live with my boyfriend in our own home. As far as the day-to-day is concerned, we’re basically married

  2. I’m married now but I almost married another guy for the reason that we had been together so long that I thought that’s what I was supposed to do. I wasn’t excited when he proposed, I said yes, and when wedding planning was supposed to happen, I ask my cousin if she wanted to do it, and then said nevermind, I can just drive up to Vegas. Thank God I never took that drive!

  3. I almost married my high school sweetheart, but I found out he was cheating on me with another man. Then I got married 2 years later, and was married for 10 years before we eventually split. Now I’ve been in a relationship for almost 2 years…and I really hope he pops the question soon. He is the one I have gone through so much shit in my life to meet.

  4. Married now but I was close to marrying in my two previous relationships.

    My first relationship at 15 lasted 6 years. We were set to marry until he backed out due to not feeling committed.

    Second relationship started a few months after and that lasted around 2 years. I truly felt in love in this relationship that I ended up losing my virgnity to him after a year of dating (different culture). We had both agreed that we would marry but soon after he also backed out as he could not sense of feeling of love and felt distant toward me.

    Both breakups sucked but that’s in the past. I have been happily married now for almost 3 years. Wouldn’t ask for anything else.

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