Tldr – 7 year relationship ended and despite him always hating social media, he’s now obsessed with posting pictures of him and the one he cheated on me with.

I know I know. I-just-need-to-stop-looking but that is easier said than done when you feel so discarded. Short of gouging my own eyes out I literally cannot stop checking to see whether they’re still together and what their latest pictures are together and it makes me feel shit about myself and about the fact he started sleeping with her when we were still together.

7 years. 7 long years.

Everyone says “block them and don’t look” and for the most part I have but I just can’t seem to do it on FB where they’re living out their romance. I don’t want to be the bitter ex and truth be told, I love him so much that I just want him to be happy and if she makes him happy then I’m glad he’s not alone and suffering like me. But…. I am in so much pain, like my soul has died.

What did you do to stop the obsession of checking? I’m doing all the right things and haven’t contacted him since finding out he’d already carved out a new relationship while we were together, I’ve remained silent and haven’t badmouthed him to friends or family. I’m keeping my head down and grieving alone but I need to find the strength to stop checking on their life and concentrate on saving my own.

Help 😔

  1. I deleted my Facebook account for good so none of my exes see me, and I won’t see them again. Best decision I ever took 6 years ago….

    I know it’s hard, but I really felt relieved that none gets to see me and I can live as privately as I can

    (surly seeing one’s ex’s stuff can be irritating, but that’s like the fastest bandage ripped off)

  2. >but I just can’t seem to do it on FB

    Hand your phone to a trusted friend, explain the situation, and have THEM block him for you if it’s this bad. Easy + done.

  3. There’s no other way I’m sorry 🙁 you just need to wipe them from everything

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