(21m) and (20f)


I’ve posted this before on another community but it didn’t get any comments so I decided to try this one instead:


I’ve never made a post on here and rarely actually use reddit however, I have found that tiktok trend of posting these things on there seems to have worked for a few people so I suppose that’s why i’m trying.


I dated this girl in highschool for my junior and senior year. It was a pretty good relationship overall and I think we both enjoyed being with each other. As a disclaimer we still fought and were off and on every now and again but not very often and this doesn’t seem to me to be uncommon when dating that young.


In any case towards the end of my senior year we had more issues than previously and it could’ve been the fact that I was leaving 11 hours away to a college and she was going to stay in highschool for another year, but I knew she was seriously considering the college I was going to however, I knew that it wouldn’t have been her choice had she chosen to follow me which was a point of contention for me. So we had a lot of issues leading up to the ending of that year and eventually broke up. We kept talking for about another month after I graduated but we couldn’t work through our issues from the relationship and try to be friends so the last thing I remember her telling me is “I’m done”. Those words have stuck with me for such a long time and it hurts even now to write this 3 years after the fact.


When I got to college, my older brother who already went to the same college, introduced me to fraternity life and it was exactly as you’d expect it so it was easy to forget about her and i thought I had moved on. I kept trying to date other girls and thoughts of her never really did come into my head but the dating never worked out and not one moved on into the relationship stage. So I’ve stayed single since her. I’ve heard through mutual friends that she moved on and was dating someone new three months after we broke up, not to be the one that casts the first stone but just to show the differences between her situtation and mine.


So fastforward to more recently when I started to really have to focus on my mechanical engineering degree, meaning studying a lot more and just generally being more alone. That’s when I started to think about her again, just about reaching out or something, with her being someone that I gave a substantial amount of my formative years too. Truthfully I don’t know what the purpose of doing so would be however, I don’t know if it is me trying to rekindle anything or to just try and be friends again but just thinking about reaching out.


Then about a week ago, completely out of the blue, while working someone close to me text me saying I should reach out to her. I had never mentioned to him about wanting to talk to her and I hadn’t talked to my him about her in years so to say that it shocked me when he said it would be an understatement. He said he just woke up that day and felt that he should tell me to specifically talk to her.


Since then all I have actually done is follow her on social media, and she hasn’t followed me back. I was hoping that if she didn’t it would give me some solice but it just seems to be too much of a coincidence for me to leave this at that, especially with someone very close to me telling me I should talk to her, and with the present living situtation I find myself in I don’t think I’m that far from her maybe a 1 or 2 hour drive, which makes the situtation all the more coincidental.


TL;DR: Should I text my ex after having no communication for 3 years?

  1. I wish I could explain to you how much energy, mentally and emotionally, that you are wasting right now.

    It was a HS fling. Have happy memories and accept it for what it was.

    You know she moved on, was and maybe still is dating someone else. Please take a hint my dude. You are 21, relax and have some fun with none of this serious shit. You’ll have the rest of your life to be serious with some girl who actually wants to be with you.

  2. There’s nothing wrong with trying, but go in with no expectations. A lot of life can happen in 3 years and there is no guarantee that she will even reply.

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