
– young and clueless 😂

  1. That’s a tough one. If we’re flirting though we’ll go out our way to make you laugh, and a lot of guys wwill touch your arm (not in a creepy way) to close the distance. Touching is always flirty ime, as is the overuse of humor.

  2. “are you flirting with me? Or just being a good friend?”

    It’s literally that simple. If a guy says he doesn’t know, he’s flirting. Actually if he says anything other than one of the options, he’s flirting.

  3. You can’t with me. Flirting makes me feel really awakard. I only flirt when the woman starts flirting otherwise I feel like im being a creep and even then, I still feel werid.

    Literally had a woman in her late 40s who I’ve known since I was 16 (I’m 27 now) who ive always found extremely attractive say out loud “Hey sexy” when she saw me and I went all awakard and didn’t know how to reply.. despite the compliment making me feel good.

    Also know a woman who always comes in the store I work and flirts with me everytime she sees me and despite it making me feel good about myself. I’m just nice to her, I find hard to flirt.

    I suck at flirting. I most of the time just don’t flirt at all

  4. if we are looking at you for an extended period of time and look at you during something funny if within a group.

    or if u catch us looking at u consistently from across a room.


    or just trying to initiate meet ups.


    or being excited to see you


    why its hard for guys and gals to be friends but if you are interested in a guy friend i say just tell em but if he isnt interested that yall can stay friends no big deal. communicate it

  5. I typically tend to get a conversation going and pay more attention to you. If anything funny is said in a group, I’ll look towards you when I’m laughing. Just over all try to get your attention and have a fun conversation

  6. Are we jumping up and down in the “friend zone” box you have us in or the “doable” box? Joking aside your in control of this situation. Flirt back see what happens.

  7. we are always interested in sex. if shes an ugly girl i just tolerate her until she goes away but if she is attractive and i would sleep with her then i am willing to be of genuine service. some guys are more douchey than others but we all want to have sex with attractive women. sorry i dont have a clearer answer but this is the closest i can safely explain men in general to a young woman. just dont go thinkingthat your going to find mr.perfect cause men know how to act like that character

  8. I’m a very talkative person and always joke around regardless of interest or not (I’m married almost 10 years) but back in the day flirting at its early stages would be no different to just me being me. “Flirting” to show my interest would be poking and prodding jokes/comments around more intimate things. Depending on response it either goes back to normal behaviour or escalates!

  9. Be straight with us. Ask us, “Are you interested in me? Or is this just friend time?”

    Don’t play games; don’t ask leading questions; ask. us. straight. up.

  10. See if you are the only F that gets the same level of treatment. Like does he treat other girls similar to you the same way.

  11. Send us a dick pic and see how we respond. If we respond positively, we were flirting.

  12. If he’s flirting, he’s in your personal space, body language and eye contact towards you and is touchy feely.

  13. You’d be right more often than you’d be wrong if you assumed flirting.

    There are no flirting lessons so most young guys have no idea what they’re supposed to be doing. If they don’t know themselves how could you know?

  14. Hi, hello, and need help that? Is being friendly..

    Comments laced with innuendo is flirting..

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