I’m currently 34 but haven’t quite peaked yet imo. Have stuff to figure out. Need to become a little more self sufficient and worry about other people less. Saying that I’m successful in my career as a physician, live in a good part of the US, have a nice lifestyle imo, and I’ll have my own house soon. Have lots of hobbies I enjoy doing. Think I’m already really driven and pleasant to be around usually though obviously I’d need to find someone I clicked with. I want to start a family with someone when I’m ready. Is this even possible at 40? I guess my avenues to meet people will steadily decrease the older I get. And I might not find anyone excited about getting with a guy that old

  1. It’s possible but you’re gonna have to find a younger woman. More complications come for the woman and baby when we get pregnant later in life. I’m sure you could find a woman who understands why you wanna wait. You’re being very mature and reasonable about your decision. But just know it’s gonna be more or a challenge on many fronts waiting so long.

  2. Dude you’re a doctor, you’re still going to have a huge dating pool when you’re 40 lol. Date younger women (mid to late 20s).

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