I’m kind of tired of her explosiveness and tantrums she has from time to time.

I don’t know if I’m too oldschool but I feel new generations (I’m 30 and she’s 27) have made this look like a common thing, I usually see memes on instagram about toxic traits from girls (memes that come from girls themselves) and they pretend it’s funny or normal to be like that. Thing is I don’t tolerate those things at all.
I feel very disrespected when someone starts practically yelling or making a tantrum to me.
I don’t really know what to do about it.
She has always seem to be very in love with me, tbh even more that I’m in love with her, I don’t want to hurt her feelings. She had a difficult life like myself and I feel trapped into the cycle of thinking maybe it’s just the way she was raised and the thought of “why do I have to be the one to tolerate this?”

  1. Your both part of the same generation so not sure where your going with that bit but yes she shouldn’t be acting like that and if your not fully into the relatioship then you need to seperate.

  2. If she won’t act like an adult, then you should break up. It’s not fair for you to keep putting up with these tantrums.

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