What does your daily meals look like? Breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner.

  1. Breakfast: Coffee, Apple, Banana

    Lunch: Usually nothing

    Dinner: Whatever I have decided for dinner

    Snacks: ALOT

  2. Breakfast: coffee or tea, maybe toast or a croissant

    Lunch: a sandwich or wrap

    Dinner: varies wildly, a lot of chicken and vegetables, maybe a curry

    Snacks, if any, are a smoothie or granola bar

  3. Breakfast: Cereal or toast

    Lunch: sandwich

    Dinner: varies a lot. Could be a homemade pizza, veggie wraps, risotto, all depends on what I’m in the mood for.

  4. I usually only make one meal a day (in the evening) and just have a protein shake in the morning.

    When it comes to what I eat for supper: vegetables like peas, carrots, broccoli or sweet potatoes + either some meat (chicken or fish) or a substitute like tofu or falafel + shirataki noodles and a boiled egg.

    If I do want a snake at noon or in the afternoon anyway, I’ll usually have some fruit like a banana, kiwi, some strawberries or some mulberries.

  5. Breakfast: oatmeal with honey

    Lunch: something

    Snacks: 1-3 pocky sticks, 🍌 or 🍍

  6. Breakfast – Protein Bar, Lunch – Chef Salad, Snacks – trail mix, Dinner – take out usually Chinese or Mexican

  7. Breakfast: Plain bagel with plain cream cheese, jimmy dean sandwich, or cereal with cold coffee

    Lunch/Dinner: ramen, Mac and cheese, frozen pizza, chef boyardee ravioli or lasagna, cereal, grilled cheese, or pizza rolls

    Snacks: bagel, cereal, Munchies, Cheetos, cookies, poptarts, toast, jello, or gogurt

    I know I don’t eat healthily and I don’t have any plans to change my diet. I work from home so my lunch and dinner options are interchangeable.

  8. Breakfast: Greek yogurt with protein granola and fruit. Occasionally sausage and English muffin with almond butter. It’s important to have fat and protein in the morning, not just carbs, so I try to focus on that!

    Lunch: grilled chicken breast in either a wrap or a salad

    Snack: fruit or protein bar

    Dinner: protein (usually chicken, beef, etc) and veggies.

    Evening snack/dessert: baked protein oats, Greek yogurt mixed with protein powder (so good), a protein shake blended with a banana, a chocolate covered banana, granola with fruit because that’s my guilty pleasure, etc. I aim for delicious and filling while staying within my macro goals.

    I always look forward to my evening treat! It’s my favorite thing I eat 🙂

  9. Breakfast-what ever I see in fridge thats need be eaten
    Lunch- what the kids having
    Dinner-se above
    Snacks- alot, fruit, bars, sandwiches and so on

  10. Breakfast: Green Smoothie,
    Lunch: Rice, veg, fish or meat,
    Snacks: Fruit smoothie, matcha tea, sometimes I eat bread or crackers,
    Dinner: Rice, veg, fish or meat

  11. Breakfast: tea or coffee, maybe yogurt or toast.

    Lunch: usually nothing, maybe a salad or some vegetables.

    Dinner: toast/salad/eggs/ crackers with cheese. usually something light with green tea, orange juice, and water on the side.


  12. Breakfast- avocado toast with an egg over easy on top. Or an omelette if I don’t have ripe avocados

    Lunch- leftovers from the night before or something quick like a grilled cheese

    Dinner- usually steamed or roasted veggies with either pasta or an easy fish. If I’m tired, takeout.

    Snacks- I keep a bag of Smart Pop on deck or some grapes or a makeshift “charcuterie” of crackers, cheese and deli cuts

  13. Breakfast oatmeal with protein and berries

    Snack 2 toasted English muffins with peanut butter

    Lunch salad

    Snack smoothie

    Dinner protein with as much veg as I can eat (sometimes rice too)

    It’s the “I need to be less round” meal plan…works too, and surprisingly tons of food, so u don’t need to Snack on junk. Further turns out my trainer was right, I wasn’t eating enough at the beginning of the plan

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