I am a heat hater. Anything above say 17\*C starts getting to me.

I really don’t get the British obsession with hot weather – even though I was born and raised here – and never have done.

That said – more and more people seem to be coming out of their shells to say they abhor hot weather too – which is nice 🙂

I love it when September rolls around.

June / July / August I go into my shell.

  1. I enjoy 24 degrees as long as I can just sit and read and don’t have to move anywhere, preferably there is a breeze as well. But yes I agree with you, I don’t enjoy 30 degree days and when it’s this hot I have no desire to go out and do anything in it. I love cool autumn and spring days!

  2. I love hot weather, just not the UKs hot weather, humidity is horrible. 30c here is a lot worse than 30c in some other countries.

  3. When something is hard to come by it’s naturally craved more of – like I know certain parts of the US love the rain, as it’s so rare. I personally like what hot weather we can get because as soon as it’s heavy rain and miserable, everything is just a mood killer.

  4. I hate it and my bedroom didn’t drop to below 30 until 1am.

    Gets direct sun late evening, water tank heats the wall up, oled tv pumping out heat, keeping my door closed so parents can’t hear what I’m talking about with my friends.

    It creates a horrible heat trap so I froze a 2 litre bottle of water into a big ice cube and use that to cool down. Feels nice 👌

  5. See my thread I’ve just made on the topic – we have seemingly the coldest summer climate for any populated area in the world, outside of a few outliers like Iceland or parts of Norway. Even Siberia regularly has, short, but warmer summers than us.

    We simply aren’t used to it.

  6. Hate it always have. 22/23 is lovely for me with a breeze anything above that can fuck off unless I am on holiday and have access to a pool at all times.

    My cat is annoying me as she is mooching around completely oblivious to that fact it is hotter than than the 7 circles of hell right now.

  7. I love hot weather but only on holidays in countries that are well adjusted to it unlike the UK.

  8. I spend the cold months (which let’s face it – that means most of the year) with joint pain. The heat means I get a little break from it – it’s such a huge relief. Plus the sunshine just makes me feel happier. I’d always rather be too hot than too cold.

    I can understand why others dislike it, the heat used to make my mum feel ill. But I’m in my element right now (or would be if I hadn’t picked up some horrible bug)

  9. I don’t think it is something people love. I think the media coverage finds people who do, or depicts it like an exciting game to see if we’ll break the record because the alternative of covering it soberly as the beginnings of a climate disaster that it is does not appeal to the interests of our media for some reason.

  10. I wish winter had longer days. That’d be ideal for me. I do like how green and beautiful everything is right now though.

  11. I’m not a huge fan of heat but we don’t get a lot of it (although that may change) so it gets enjoyed.

    I do love the sunshine. I’m honestly happier waking up at 7am on a sunny day with a gentle breeze coming in the window than sleeping in late in winter all cosy in bed. More sunshine without the heat please!

  12. I would happily live in permanent autumn and winter. I am very bad at heat. However, I do cope better with it when I’m not in the UK and am somewhere where the heat is drier and there is a breeze. But this heavy muggy heat is my least favourite of all the weathers. Roll on the end of September!

  13. I’m not sure there’s any obsession. Seems to me that about 50% of people I know love hot weather (like me) and the other 50% don’t.

  14. I’ve always hated hot weather. I remember on several occasions during literal heatwaves where people were dying, people would say things like “lovely weather!” in all seriousness and when I said I wasn’t enjoying it they’d look at me like I was a total killjoy. Really weird.

  15. Sunshine makes me happy! Plus I can be dressed ready to go in 5 mins. No need to layer up. And my hair dries fast too!
    Sunshine is just great 😂

  16. I’m just hoping we will get some decent thunder storms. Been shit for many years now.
    I wanna fear god’s wrath not see a few meek flashes and hear a few little grumbles.

  17. Anything above a high of 26 is a meh for me. I love a good bit of sun, but hate oppressive heat.

  18. Im of the opinion, that if you complain about the hot weather, you should veto your right to complain about the cold weather

  19. Because I absolutely despise winter and if I ever had money would be off somewhere warmer the minute winter arrived in this country. Ultra hot weather is uncomfortable, but to me it will always be infintely better than what the weather is like most of the time in this country (except spring maybe).

  20. I’m the same. I also hate how they will report this 30+ degree heat with enthusiasm under backdrops of beaches and blue skies.

    The weather reports on these heatwaves should be a similar vibe to when they’re reporting on dangerous storms.

    These reports of 33 degrees are genuinely pretty concerning and wish the weathermen/women would wipe the smiles of their faces when talking about it. Lots of people are gonna end up in hospital, a fair few will die.

  21. I hate it too, I want to temporarily relocate to Svalbard or somewhere similar during the summer months.

  22. I’ll be out watching the sun go down at about 9.30 tonight having a cup if tea in my boxers enjoying the 19 degrees with a breeze.

    School runs tomorrow.. same again for the evening.

    I suggest you do what I do. Box up all that heat in old tupperware boxes and save it for winter. Cost of heating my arse… gonna have 327 different shaped boxes of heat to unload throughout December.

    Energy companies HATE this one trick…

  23. Lived in Dallas, Texas where it used to get over 100 Fahrenheit (38 Celsius) for 100 days in a row every year.

    Completely different from the UK. No mugginess, air conditioning everywhere, outside eating/drinking everywhere.

    Over here anything over 25 is horrible.

  24. Hate hot weather, I burn easily, it makes me feel sick and everywhere is covered in sweat.

    Bring on the cold, freezing embrace of winter already.

  25. Totally agree with you! I *can’t stand the heat*, the last few days have been horrible, I’m dreading next weekend.

    I always feel hot, even in the winter I’ll often have my small personal fan going at night to keep my room cool. I can handle up to about 20, past that I’m getting uncomfortable. My mum is a bit of a sun worshiper, and I just can’t get behind it. It’s so horrible, I have two fans pointed at me right now and I’m still too hot.

  26. I can’t say I love it, but hot summer evenings are when the best adventures and mischief happens.

  27. I couldn’t hate this weather more

    Edit: I spoke too soon. It’s even hotter today. I have found a hidden reserve of hatred for the weather

  28. The problem is not the hot weather, is that the UK’s infrastructure and housing are not built to handle it.

  29. Hate the heat. I don’t have a body that can withstand it easily – just makes me uncomfortable and sweaty.

  30. I absolutely HATE it. I start feeling antsy in April because May can have some hot days and is the month of no-going-back to cool weather. June is a mixed bag but I count and dread the days to July/August, and know I have to get through 9 weeks of hell before Autumn – my favourite season because hell has just been relegated to 10 months away again.

    My max temperature is 24. Anything higher is a problem. Makes me feel unwell.

  31. 38 weeks pregnant here and there is very few things I wouldn’t sacrifice right now to get rid of this bloody heat!!!!

  32. I’ve developed heat intolerance due to an existing health issue.
    This heat has been fucking awful.

    I feel sick all the time, my stomach hurts like hell and I have to hug ice packs just to feel normal.

    The idea that it’s going to get so much worse by getting into the 40s, terrifies me.

  33. I’m Detritus’ second cousin thrice removed. Once 25°C is reached I’m as intelligent as a slab of carboniferous rock. 21-24°C seems to see me get slower and slower.
    Thus I loathe heat and humidity with a passion.

  34. I don’t hate heat and nice weather. But this weather is not made for the UK we have no air con or any defence. Lambs to the slaughter

  35. I’m 36 weeks pregnant, the heat can fuck right off.

    Me 3 years ago: We should plan the next one so I’m pregnant in winter.

    Body last year: lol no.

  36. Because we love a good moan 🙂

    Really though.. loads of us don’t take holidays abroad so its nice (in controlled bursts) when it turns milder

  37. It’s the buildings here. Not designed for anything other than cold weather.

    Believe it or not in phoenix often people put the fire on in the winter cos it’s so cold – well it’s not even that cold but houses designed to stay cool

    Here in Uk even in winter I can be in my shorts in my house with radiator on a very low setting or even off

    But it works against us when it’s hot

    The frequency of the hot weather now isn’t what I remember from my childhood at all. Every single year now I say it’s the one I invest in an air con system – never remember saying that before last 7 years

  38. Heat waves just give me environmental anxiety, like this is the world literally burning.

  39. Personally, for me my joints work better, don’t hurt and I don’t have earaches so I work better.

    Everyone else? I don’t know, they slow down.

  40. All day today I’ve felt really achy and exhausted, that feeling when you’re a couple days after a cold. Still ill but with no symptoms.

    I *hate* the heat and humidity with a passion! The perfect temperature is 16-19°C with no direct sunlight and a slight breeze.

    So basically five days a year in this country

  41. I hate it. Although for me it’s because the UK just isn’t equipped to deal with it. We don’t have AC in our homes, and fans just don’t cut it when it’s 30°.

    I’m also a teacher, and schools don’t have AC either (they don’t even have fans in the classrooms – god forbid we have any comfort). They become sweaty, unbearable places to be and the kids turn positively feral because they can focus on nothing but the heat. Let’s also discuss the shitty dress code, which states that I can’t have my shoulders out, or wear sandals in 30° heat.

    I also have a dog, and I love walking her mid day. In this heat, I have to be up at 6/7am to take her on her usual 40 minute walk and for me that is an ungodly hour to be exercising.

    Weather this hot can fuck off. Autumn or spring are the best seasons.

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