What are some female dominated industries that you would like to see men get a head in?

  1. Teachers!

    I have a son and wish there were more male teachers at his school!! Male teachers are more goofy/fun, teach in a little more of different environment, and are a nice role model for the boys in their class (:

  2. None. Equal representation is silly if people legitimately aren’t interested in that line of work.

  3. I’d prefer if people who were naturally inclined to do something were more common than those with less of an interest. I have no idea why we feel the need to push people into careers that, by and large, they don’t want to do just so we can say there’s more representation. Please give me the person who wants to be there, whose passionate and loves their work over the diversity hire.

  4. That would be what i would want to see though. A male driven feminist movement. What would be the goals and agenda and how goals would be achieved and how rapidly it would progress.

  5. “Plus sized” modelling. You never see chunky bois on the catwalk. Other than like Jacamo, there’s nobody that’s saying that there’s beauty at all sizes when it’s guys.

  6. Teachers. I had a lot of teachers that were blatantly sexist, which I think wouldn’t happen if the field was closer to 50/50.

  7. The better question, I think, is why do you want to see men get ahead in female dominated industries…and more important than that, why does gender matter at all? Why not just let people be happy doing what they do, and if it turns out it’s mostly women in nursing or mostly men in construction, just let it be?

    Not trying to be confrontational, I’m just curious as to why this matters? I’d be more concerned with hiring the best people for the job rather than promoting the idea that one sex needs to step it up in a certain field to “balance” the scales or something.

  8. I don’t care.

    Let people do what they want. Don’t care if something is female or male dominated.

    If a man wants to be a hairdresser or a carer and a woman wants to be construction worker or mechanic then all the power to them but I don’t particularly care to make everything half male and half female.

    If construction stays mostly male dominated and hairdressing stays mostly female dominated because men tend to want to be construction workers more and women tend to want to be hairdressers more then so be it

    Equality of opportunity is better to me than Equality of outcome

  9. Teaching at the K-12 level not saying it needs to be exactly 50/50 or anything but lack of masculinity in school especially is a problem for young boys

  10. Elementary teachers because I think the lack of a adult make role model kinda fucked me up developmentally. Not every boy has a dad or even if they do he may not be any good at it. Boys need an example of how a good man acts day to day.

  11. I couldn’t care less if a feild is female dominated, who cares what gender does what job. I would be annoyed if someone is prevented from doing what they want because of some idiotic sexists, but the “goal” of some 50/50 split just seems dumb to me.

  12. HR and teaching are the two that come to mind. Both professions have a huge impact on society and a purely feminine approach to either is probably not a good thing.

  13. Wedding planning. Not nearly enough weddings have ax throwing for the guests.

  14. I don’t care – some industries are female-dominated because women are different to men and therefore choose different professions. Why interfere with that?

  15. Well, i don’t understand why would you want that,

    People dominant certain fields because they like it and they are very good at it

    For example men are dominant in armies because we honour the fact that we are serving our countries and Keep our loved ones safe

    Meanwhile nurses are mostly female because it takes a great amount of kindness and delicacy to be a nurse, which i doubt any man can be as kind as a woman

  16. Physician’s Assistant.

    It’s very weird: the job was basically created specifically for combat Medics returning from Vietnam and was initially extremely male-dominated, but now PAs are like 75% women.

    It’s a great medical career for people who want more responsibility (and money) than Nurses but not to the same extent as Doctors.

  17. HR. Just once I’d like to deal with a HR member that isn’t a middle aged, misandrist woman

  18. probably gonna have to say hospitality. As a waiter, I have 4 male colleagues and 1 male manager… and 15 female colleagues and 4 female managers.

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