I have never fallen in love. I’m not really sure what love is to be honest. I’ve been a fan here and there of different celebrities but only liked them from what I’ve seen on camera, so even if I say things like “I love them so much! They are so cool!” It doesn’t mean I actually love them. I went on a kind of date when I was in 9th grade, I called it a “kind of date” because I asked my friend to join us since I was too shy. That’s one of my personalities, I’m shy as well as introverted so I don’t go out much and I don’t go out of my way to connect with people. However, I’m always wondering and always wanting to know what love is like (outside my family). Considering my personality and the way I think, I honestly don’t know how to date someone. Although I’ve imagined kissing, I can’t actually picture myself doing it with someone? Sorry I’m a confusing person… Also I’m 22 years old and new to reddit

1 comment
  1. In my opinion dating is all about finding someone who you can have great consistent conversations with. Sometimes you will have arguments or disagree on things & this is why you’ll need a partner who is emotionally intelligent, empathetic, & listens to what you say especially when you’re talking about things you love & hate. When you get into a relationship you’ll be having conversations with this person everyday so it’s important you find someone who you genuinely find interesting, share a few things in common with, & has good morals & integrity.

    You’ll also need someone who you’re sexually compatible with. This means you both have sexual chemistry with each other & you both understand what to do to please each other & what not to do.

    Unfortunately you haven’t even had your first kiss yet so you’ll probably need an experienced & patient man to help you explore what you like, what turns you on & turns you off etc.

    But ultimately love is like a state of mind where you are extremely happy, its like an addicting drug that’ll destroy you if its laced with toxicity that can destroy your life if you arent smart about who you allow yourself to fall in love with. Theres honestly so much more to love but that’s my opinion of love in a nutshell, hope this helps 🙂

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