My parents are not the type of parents that have a sex talk with us. She knows I have sex and asks me random questions daily. Most are about sex with older men. I am getting sick of it 🤷🏼‍♀️

  1. Well how old is she and how old are these men? Depending on that I’d be telling your parents and or police if something has happened already.

    But if she has sex questions I’d get with a cool aunt or female family friend or if you have a female friend and ask if they would speak with her.

  2. Why not just answer her questions. She’s naturally curious, why the shame? Your siblings

  3. Answer them whole hearted and with though every time. She obviously trust you and most people begin their sexual life with way not enough knowledge.
    You can really make a difference for your sister here.

  4. Ages?

    If they are nosey type of questions, then you do not have to answer them, probably better not to.

    If they’re general questions that kids have, either answer them or redirect them to your folks. That they have issues with this is btwn them and her, not you. Just give them the heads up so they can be prepared. But, youre a sibling not a parent.

  5. If they are about the factual side of sex answer fully and completely, and encourage her to research things on-line (NOT porn sites).

    If they are personal ask how she would feel if the situation was reversed – basically ask for privacy.

  6. Answer her questions even if it makes you feels uncomfortable. Think of it as getting ready for daughters.

    However, there is a line. And that line is when you are SUPER uncomfortable. This is when she starts asking you about actual technique; basics are fine. Maybe limit her to like 2 questions a day or 7 a week. Whatever number you want.

    Lastly, if you wanna get more knowledge yourself, I point to the Sex Institute at Indiana University. It’s best to learn by doing, but never hurts to brush up every now and then.

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