How many pillows do you sleep with and why that many?

  1. I really love the idea of sleeping with many (five feels like a good amount) but every single time that I try, I wake up unable to move my neck so I’m forced to settle with two.

  2. Five. I don’t know, I like a lot of pillow options. Now that I sleep with my partner 100% of the time, he needs two and I need three (two under my head, one against the wall).

  3. 2.

    One for my head and the other under my legs (its good for posture)

    Sometimes 3 and the third one it for hugging

  4. Three. One for the head, one on either side to hug depending on which side I sleep on that night.

  5. Two. When I was in middle school, I started not breathing right if not elevated properly. I just have two, one on top of the other.

  6. There’s one main pillow but I need three to prop myself up when im reading in bed or watching a tv/on my laptop. So four pillows.

  7. At the moment I use 3, because I’m pregnant. One huge one to support my back, one for my head and one to put between my knees so my back wouldn’t hurt.
    Before pregnancy we only had 3 pillows in our bed, two for me and the husband and one for the cat because otherwise she would steal ours.

  8. 3. One for under my head. One for behind me & one for in front of me. I am a side sleeper & need the support.

  9. I use 3 pillows. One for my head another for my legs and one for my back sometimes.

  10. Three. One for my head and one on each of my sides to stop me from rolling off the bed in my sleep.

  11. Two, one for my husband and one for me. I don’t like our bed being or feeling crowded.

  12. Two, one under my head and one between my legs when in fetal or under my legs when I’m on my back.

  13. I have 5 standard pillows and then 9 decorative pillows that are all different sizes, I like to nest

  14. 5 pillows. I have 2 body pillows. Two head pillows and a neck pillow. I love pillows

  15. I have 14 pillows including a body pillow. I love having all the pillows to surround myself and they have different fills so I can pick and chose what ones I need!

  16. Four. One is from my mums house, two we bought when my bf and I moved in ththr and one body pillow at our feet for a rest

  17. 4 – under head, on top of head, knees and behind me so if I roll over I already have one there for my knees and they must be king size pillows

  18. 2, I lay my head on one and cuddle the other between my legs (habit from pregnancy). When my hubby is at work I cuddle his pillow and wedge my other one behind my back. I like to be snug ☺

  19. Two: one for my head and one between my knees. I used to use way more pillows, but I got one of those fancy memory foam pillows and now I no longer need to stack three shitty pillows for sufficient neck support.

  20. I sleep with 4. 2 I rest my arm and dogs on and 2 I rest my head on. I have another two just incase I need one between my legs to stop the pain in my hips and knees but I don’t use them that often.

  21. Four. I’m a terrible sleeper and rarely end up with my head on a pillow, but by surrounding myself with a wall of pillows at least I spin less in my sleep.

  22. Probably 7 on the bed. I need at least two to sleep.
    Very specific fluff and firmness (the Costco down pillow) so I’m not dying the next day.

    I’m a grown up and a $40 pillow makes me fully functional.

  23. 3-4. Two to support my head, one between my legs and then one between my hands. But if I have my body pillow then just the two head pillows and the one long pillow

  24. 4 pillows. 1 body pillow/bolster, and 2 on my head, then 1 extra regular pillow that I can hug if the bolster falls from the bed. Lol

  25. Uh…four. The big pillow, a small heart pillow that I sleep on, one by my feet and a bodypillow to snuggle.

    Bonus points to my annoyed emoji pillow whose only purpose it is to dim the lights of my switch.

  26. For me it’s not the amount if pillows (which is 3 btw), it’s the amount of blankets I sleep with. I have had up to 6 blankets, 2 of them were my younger brothers.

  27. At my place, 6. I don’t like to be flat, and I like to hug a pillow. At my partners place, I have 4 I usually sleep with for the same reason.

  28. Three. Two under my head so I can breath easily and one to cuddle because it helps my shoulder.

  29. Two. I have an upper back condition and my head and neck aren’t supported properly with just the one but three messes with my alignment.

  30. One under my head, one on top of my head, a body pillow and another between my knees.

  31. I use three but usually have 4 or 5 on the bed. . One between my legs. One behind me. One for my head

  32. Usually between 2 and 4. It’s because I like to do this weird thing…I sometimes sleep sitting up cross-legged with the pillows on my lap. I lean on the pillows and it stretches my lower back out. I’ve been doing this forever! My mom used to find me in my crib like that. 🙂

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