It’s my 30th birthday coming up soon, and I have a few people I would like to invite that I haven’t really hung out with outside of how I know them. (Gym classes / parents from school). Is it odd if I invite them to come along? Or should I just do it?

EDIT – I have really tried to put myself out there more so I thought it would be a good opportunity to get to know people.


  1. Not odd at all! It’s the perfect to opportunity get to hang out with them outside of where you usually see them.

    More importantly, it’s YOUR birthday! You can choose to spend it the way you want, with who want 🙂

  2. It’s totally up to you!

    If you want it small and maybe feeling safer with just those you are closer to, that’s fine.

    If you want to invite “everybody” as a way to show them that you’d like to have them be part of your life, that’s fine too.

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