whats the most positive song you know?

  1. “Happiness Writes White” by Harvey Danger.

    Basically, it’s easy to write a sad song, but with her he’s so happy he can’t write a song because it’s so hard to write a happy one.

  2. It’s fucking not Imagine by John Lennon. Sweet child o mine by Guns n Roses gets me very happy most of the time.

  3. Alpenglow – Nightwish

    Just makes me smile everytime


    Bonus song:

    Valhallaluja – Nanowar of Steel

    First time I heard I was laughing my head of

  4. It’s a toss up between “Go to Bed” by Bug Hunter, or “Pray” by Ryan Vasquez

    Besides those and a handful of other off brand songs for me, most of what I listen to is pretty heavy, and the messages aren’t exactly uplifting or positive.

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