For arguments sake (because I know how pedantic redditors are, it takes one to know one 😉) this is a walkers classic multipack of crisps and the flavours are usually cheese and onion, salt and vinegar, ready salted, prawn cocktail. Which flavour(s) are you leaving?

Its prawn cocktail in our house. Always bags and bags of fishy pc left.

  1. Cheese and onion. Every so often I’m left with something like 20/30 bags in the cupboard and I resign myself to slowly working through them before I buy any more so they don’t go to waste.

  2. I have a crisp problem, if it is in an unopened crisp packet I will eat it.

    No crisps get left unopen.

  3. Prawn cocktail as well.

    Though my wife is going dairy free at the moment and it turns out most flavours have got milk in them, so we’re pretty much exclusively buying only ready salted. I like them but it’s getting boring now.

  4. Our rule is you have to close your eyes, reach in, and eat whichever pack you pick. No swaps. You get another lucky dip tomorrow.

  5. None. Nothing. Nada. I seem to live in a house full of locusts. Everything remotely tasty, and things that aren’t, are devoured. Admittedly, the tin of pilchards lasts longer than the scampi nik naks, but not by much.

  6. All you guys leaving your Prawn Cocktail crisps are free to send to me. I’ll smash them all back.

  7. Cheese and onion, or chicken. They’re nasty – and it’s why we don’t buy mixed flavour multipacks.

  8. Goes in order of

    Cheese and onion

    Prawn cocktail

    Ready salted

    And then salt and vinegar get left in the cupboard for weeks

  9. When I lived with my folks it was always ready salted. No-one in the house liked them and they’d end up being out sneakily in unsuspecting sandwiches.

  10. Cheese and onion. Why would people want crisps smelling of cheesy feet? They never sell bags of just them, so I reckon they bulk out multipacks of them knowing most people will buy new multipacks.

  11. I’d leave salt and vinegar and prawn cocktail. But I probably wouldn’t buy a multipack containing flavours I don’t want.

  12. Prawn cocktail in my house. I personally go through stages of liking and disliking prawn cocktail crisp, and nobody else in the house likes them. I’m currently in a dislike phase, so they are just getting left

  13. Salt and Vinegar. Godawful.

    > Its prawn cocktail in our house. Always bags and bags of fishy pc left.

    Send them my way, love those.

  14. plain. i dont get it. of all the flavours in the world why on earth would anyone choose salt. i dont even haven just salt on chips, at least its vinegar and or ketchup.

  15. Cheese and onions, but not because I don’t like them. My boyfriend hates the smell so much that I’m only allowed to eat them when he is at work so I hoard them in the cupboard until he goes to work and I fancy a packet and then a binge them.

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