for a while i used to do alot leave the house and my stomach was flat was around 135 then i started staying home eating sleeping and got to 163 within a couple months im still technically skinny but i just have this gut how would i be able to lose it?

  1. Cardio. Lots of cardio. Calories are a measure of heat. Get the temp up and burn it off. Also I switched to vegetarian and can fill my stomach to the point of excess and still cut weight.

  2. Go out for daily runs. Do some cardio and yeah eat a lot of green! Count your calories and your nutrients intake. Record all your progress and intakes on a notebook.

  3. ❌sugar, ❌simple carbs like bread, ❌beer. Diet is going to have a much bigger effect than just working out. Did you diet change when you started staying home?

  4. You can eat whatever you want if you burn the calories. If you struggle with weight loss there are two things you can do (I utilized both at many points; was 170 during Covid and am now 135) either junk food alternatives if you struggle with healthy eating such as popcorn instead of chips, good fruit instead of candy and energy drinks and coffee, or do HEAVY cardio. I are sort doesn’t matter. I run 8 miles a day as a habit now and can eat what I want because I’m burning 900 cals per run. But a 4 mile run is 450 cals which is a whole meal. Also track you calories (doesn’t have to be full macros).

  5. Choose one of the many ways to put your body in a calorie deficit. Preferably exercise and diet to lose it permanently.

  6. Everyone works a bit differently besides one main rule: calories in < calories out.

    The average male human body burns around 2-3000 calories a day. I keep a rough estimate of the amount of calories is in each of my meals and try to keep it my full day around 1600-1800 calories. That way, even if I don’t work out, I still either lose weight or just maintain, but never gain. I’ll eat slightly bigger meals after working out to give fuel for healing, but still run a calorie deficit overall.

  7. Do what everyone else says and cut out the beer and alcohol if you drink. Drinking can make the skinniest person on earth look like they have a balloon for a stomach if they drink it too much.

  8. Muscle is built in the gym, fat is lost in the kitchen.

    Calories in, calories out.

    And they need to be good calories too. Can’t cut back on what you’re eating if you’re eating garbage and not getting enough nutrition.

  9. I’m a bit older probably, turning 50 in August. I was 203 pounds and 5’10, had a pretty big belly.
    Finally had enough and started limiting my calories by eating reasonably breakfast and not eating again until dinner. Added an 8 minute ab workout everyday and 10 minutes cardio workout, as well as push-ups. On top of this I am doing at least 15k steps per day.
    In 4 months I lost 23 pounds, belly is significantly reduced and I am a lot stronger. I am feeling that in another 4 months I will have a pretty trim and fit body.
    I don’t have a gym membership, I do all of this in my house. If my old ass can do it you can too, probably take you a lot less time also.
    Doesn’t take a lot of time either. Go for it, find something that works for you and stick with it.

  10. I’m a skinny boy come slim. I added some weight on and started working out so not I actually have MEAT on me. I’m 6 ft, so my ~155 pounds is quite good.

    When I stand normal, I have a little bit of a belly, BUT I have an pelvic tilt so my ass is permanently out and my belly is always forward. I have to straighten my spine, tilt my hips forward slightly and MAGIC happens my belly becomes flat.

    I have to work on my core to get it back to normal, but my simple pelvic tilt means there will always look like more belly than there really is, even while my abs become more defined.

    Do cardio and core workouts, see how far you can pull your belly buttons in towards your spine as a good tester.

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