So I’ve been married a short time but I’m on another season of the silent treatment for about a week now. I’ve been told to leave, I don’t want you, if you don’t I’ll pack your things for you. The longest he’s given the silent treatment is two weeks.

I went to stay with my best girlfriend and still haven’t heard anything.

He never packed my stuff, I know cause I had to go get a couple of things and everything is in the same place, wedding pictures are still up, still sharing responsibilities, following each other on Social media, posts still up and everything.

This happened after an argument before that he would just randomly do it on his own.

Any advice is appreciated, thank you.

  1. The silent treatment is abuse. Check out u/ebbie45. She’s a counselor who’s posted some great information. Good luck.

  2. The fact that you married a man that gives you the silent treatment boggles my mind. Judgement aside, everyone makes mistakes. That doesn’t mean you deserve this. His response to your mistakes is HIS problem. It is not your fault he gives u the silent treatment.

    You don’t deserve this. Please talk to someone because this is definitely emotional abuse. Be kind to yourself, even when he isn’t.

  3. I’m almost never the person to say “leave him”.. but you’re newly married and already being forced from your home because of (if I read correctly) his actions? Like he has dating apps on his phone, with an obviously bullshit excuse, and then he doesn’t talk to you for days because you expressed concern?

    This doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship from the start and I’m really worried it will only get worse. I think meeting with a marriage counselor to work on effective communication is a good place to start, but if it continues I’d recommend separating.

  4. So I used to do the silent treatment and my wife told me we were going to see a counselor about it. Both of us will tell you it is 100% passive aggressive abuse. It is manipulative. And honestly immature. It shows he does not know how to communicate and have a constructive arguement. And for two weeks??? 1 day is excessive. On top of that he says he doesn’t want you and to get out??

    I can’t tell you whether you should keep staying with your friend or try to move back but that man needs some help. He has got to make changes. If he needs a cool down period when y’all argue so as not to say something idiotic he should be able to communicate that and then you both come back together to discuss the issue. This should at most be a couple of hours. And he needs to learn how to cherish you. You’re HIS wife. He is YOUR husband. And he needs to see that, not everything or everyone else. There is that old saying that the grass is always greener on the other side. Well that’s true if you aren’t taking care of your grass!!! He needs to take care of you!

    I will say this, if he and you both can get some help to make changes you can have a great marriage. I have been married for 10 years now and even though it can still have its rough times, I wouldn’t change it for the world.

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