What country, where English is not the most widely spoken language, do you consider most similar or parallel to the United States?

  1. Czech Republic. If I had to move somewhere else it would be there. Czechs have the best qualities of the Germans without the baggage. Sounds like Austrians, except they have a crazy Slav streak. But it’s manageable, unlike their cousins to the east and south. Just the best all-around.

  2. Scotland only because I have never been fully convinced they speak English.

    Or Mexico.

  3. Always the same two questions with always same two answers:

    What country is similar/closest to United States: **Canada**.

    What Non-English country is similar/closest to United States: **Mexico**.

    It should become obvious that the two neighbors of the United States are the two most similar or parallel.

  4. Why are people saying Mexico? I have been to Mexico several times, I live in Texas, and I have friends from Mexico and cannot possibly see the similarities between the two. Mexico is so vastly culturally different from the US.

  5. Mexico, I guess? Other Latin-American countries seem to regard Mexico as more like the US than like them?

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