I have known that American food do not have a lot of hot and strong spices. Even the “extra hot” sauce from american fast food is mild in comparison to indian(south asian) and mexican sauce and spices. Few americans I know think indian food is smelly and causes trouble to stomach. I am not sure why they think like that. Have you been addicted to indian food? If yes, which food made you fall in love with indian food to the extent that you started eating those regularly. if you don’t like indian food, which food and what characteristics made you hate that particular food?

  1. When I first went vegetarian the local Indian place’s samosas became like half my diet.

  2. I can’t remember the first Indian dish I tried but I love Indian food. It’s delicious! I like curry and rice dishes the best but biryani is also great. Dosas are good, dals are good .. It’s just good stuff, one of my favorite cuisines. Well, the American kind anyway, no idea how (if at all) food served at the restaurants here diverges from how it’s done in India.

  3. I’m probably addicted to American style potatoes if I’m addicted to any food at all.

    But I like Indian food. I bought some whole spices so I can cook a little bit if I have motivation. We eat at Indian restaurants maybe every other month or so. I don’t eat restaurant food for dinner that often.

    This is a common menu selection at the restaurants, I’d eat anything except seafood options and very spicy, I take mine mild


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