I’m a 17(M). I would say basically all of my friends are just people i talk to at school or on my way to or from it. I also game with some of these people occasionally and there’s one guy who i go to the gym with several times a week. I never hang out with friends outside school or go to parties (don’t get invited and i don’t invite people), besides going to the gym with this one guy. So technically i do go out with friends many times a week, but that’s just to the gym with the same guy.

On Snapchat i only talk regularly with 2 guys, one being the gym guy. Also i don’t celebrate my birthday, outside of with my family. Reading through all this i think i might be a huge loner, but there are some reasons i might not be. I feel like there are many people i know who don’t really get invited to parties or hang out with friends a lot.
Feels like it’s kinda normal.

And tbh i don’t have a huge desire for it. It’s not like i ask people to do shit and no one wants to. Sometimes i feel there’s not that much time and i wouldn’t have the energy for it either way. And i feel like being with friends can be kind of overrated, it can definitely be boring if you don’t have much to do with em.

1 comment
  1. I would say that it’s pretty normal. What you described certainly reminds me a lot of my life back in my teenage years. As I got older and moved out of my hometown I started going out and socialising more, at some point in time I was barely ever NOT with friends, and tbh I found it completely exhausting. Especially if you don’t actually have much in common with each other. Lately I’ve been going out less and less just because I find it just so draining sometimes and know I would probably have a much better time in my own company. But yeah, completely normal not to go out much and definitely normal to not want to.

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