I’ve noticed a few times recently when she is on her phone near me, I can see the tinder app logo. Sometimes it has a notification on it and sometimes not.
Instead of asking her about it, I created my own phony profile, matched with her and ended up having a brief conversation with her.

Not the best behavior on my part, but I hate confrontations. I think I’m going to tell her that a friend from work saw her on there and ask if she does in fact have an active account and see what happens.

But your partner having an active profile on a dating app is cheating, right? Whether or not you’re meeting up with someone, you’re still looking at profiles and having conversations…

  1. Be honest and tell her that YOU seen the tinder app logo and you’ve noticed that she has notifications one min and the next time there isn’t any there. And if she did not cheat on you now, she’s definitely looking forward to the next man. I would let her know I saw it and what’s her plan on there. You should also have a spine to let her go, it will save you from the hurt in the long run

  2. It isn’t cheating but it definitely is sneaky and would rightfully make someone question her intentions. You should honestly confront her about this and nip it in the bud before it goes onto to the next phase.

  3. You have receipts now, and while it may have been a little shady to create a fake account, you had your reasons and were proved right.

    Show her the evidence and confront her. Be prepared for her to try to lie or gaslight her way out of it. Stand your ground.

    And yes, I would consider this cheating. Whether it was emotional or physical, she is intentionally putting herself on a hook up app and swiping. She did not inform your about it or ask if it was ok. Which means she is hiding it because she knows it is wrong

  4. Maybe she didn’t cheat *yet,* but she’s clearly looking to. You have a right to be upset… Tinder isn’t for finding friendships, I don’t care what anyone says lol.

    I’d definitely confront her about it.

  5. Time to create your own real account, and match with her. Send her a hi, then un match, block her, and ghost her. There is nothing else needed to be said. Go live your best life without her. When she finally gets in touch with you, just say you are untrustworthy and I have no need for trash. You belong in the dumpster fire that is your life, and I will no longer be dragged down by your toxicity.

  6. Hold up..uno reverse card. What if she for some reason got insecure and is looking for the o.p. on tinder?? I know fat chance, but just hit it head on and confront her about it.

  7. You know that you don’t need “proof” of anything to break up with someone, right?

    You don’t need to confront them with evidence that they’ve done wrong. You can just break up.

  8. Lol dude…

    I think you know the answer here. Nobody that isn’t cheating or planning to cheat has a tinder that is active that they use to match with and talk to people… like I’m sorry if I’m being harsh, but don’t be naive.

  9. Yes it’s over the line. I’d run, if she’s not cheating now, she will be soon.

  10. this may be petty and toxic but i wouldn’t bring it up or confront her at all, id just break up with her. If she asks why just say she’s not what you’re looking for in a relationship, or that you don’t think she’s serious enough to be in a relationship with. She will try to gaslight her way out of an accusation, but will be hurt by you breaking up with her because something about her isn’t working for you. cheaters are the most insecure people who need the most validation, if you tell her she isn’t good enough for you and walk away she will be the hurt embarrassed one instead of you.

  11. Regarding if it was cheating or not: Tinder is imo unilaterally associated with seeking out/ forming romantic relationships. Even if she is just using it to find friends (doubtful at best), it’s horribly inappropriate of her to do something like that without asking for your consent first.

  12. You went that far just see if she tries to meet up with your phoney one and catch her in the act record everything also so she can’t lie about it. She could be doing it for attention or might be looking for someone else

  13. yeah its cheating. she’s actively looking to cheat by being on tinder. the intent and planning is there just like if she was messaging a guy for a hookup.

  14. She will tell you “I was on Tinder long time ago and forgot about it. I just use it to chat with strangers when I’m lonely, I don’t intend to go out with them at all”.

  15. Seriously you hate confrontation on this matter.

    Mate you need to get therapy or this non confrontational behaviour is going to destroy your life.

  16. I wouldn’t consider having the profile itself cheating, but it’s definitely crossing a boundary. Who knows what she’s done? Even if she’s done nothing, she clearly has it for a reason

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