There are three types of broken people regarding dating:

\-The one that is desperate for having a relationship and will make anything for it to happen.

\-The one that doesn’t break up on a toxic relationship due to fear.

\-The emotionally unavaliable people that start date-hoping expecting for something shinier.

Be in peace, take care of your mental health and don’t be a broken person. At the end of the day it will all be grouped on the same cliche statement: *Don’t fear to be alone.*

Good luck everyone!

  1. I am the 4th broken person…single and loving it, but everyone tries to set me up on blind dates.

    It’s refreshing not having to deal with a woman on my case about whatever is pissing her off at that moment đź‘Ť

  2. There is nothing wrong with coming into a relationship with being broken in some way

    Couples help each other through and come out stronger together; life isn’t easy.

    What is up with this inferring lately of only someone with perfect mental health (most don’t have this ) should be in a relationship

  3. Yeah there’s deff more than that.

    I’m in the category of “emotionally unavailable and no interest in ever being with someone again” lol

  4. Where is the one who has no concept of how to attract others but really wants to while doing nothing about it?

  5. Not scared of being alone, just tired of it. Also tired and exhausted from trying to date in this shitty social atmosphere.

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