Do you guys gossip with your friends like girls do and what is it generally about ?

  1. Yeah, I gossip about the same kinda things with my guy friends as I do my gf and female friends

  2. We do. But it’s probably a much smaller percentage of our conversation topics.

  3. Not gossip but brag about how much we got stoned or drunk or the number of girls we banged. Nothing serious ofcourse.

  4. If those are office friends the good ones – probably bosses, salaries

    The personal life friends not too much.

  5. In different ways we do. We don’t express complaints the same way, we discuss frustrations and annoyances but we don’t talk down people, AS often.

    All generalizations are wrong by default but I’d say that sums up the difference between how men and women gossip.

  6. I wouldn’t necessarily call it gossip. But we kinda do talk about other people. But in the context of ranting about things going on in our lives.

  7. Yes I do but most of my friends are women but I do with my guy friends as well.

  8. Not anymore. I try to avoid as much as possible.

    I used to when younger and I felt bad because “gossiping” is often talking shit about others behind their back. And when I found out others were “gossiping” behind my back, it hurt to hear that, not going to lie.

    So I try to avoid it now. It adds integrity and respect to the friendship because people don’t trust those who “gossip” so much.

    I will say that if you can’t go through a conversation without gossiping, I have serious concerns about your ability to socialize. There are many things you can talk about that doesn’t have to resort to negative gossip

  9. I try to keep it as much of a one-way flow of information as possible: ears open, mouth shut. I only listen for 2 reasons-1) to be polite and sociable during a conversation and 2) in case there might be something said I need to know to avoid a problem later.

    I don’t fish for it nor spread it if I can help it.


    (ETA: I will occasionally “ping” the network so to speak, by saying something harmless but specific to see where it comes back from if it does. Knowing who is spreading to whom has saved me some real issues in the past. If you want to consider that gossip, go ahead)

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    But yeah.
    Any topic that you and the boys have in common.

  11. Would have to have friends to gossip with first. And most likely I would just complain about wife being a prude.

  12. like men yes. usually talk crap and cars and how work is going at least with my friends

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