You are given 150k cash, how do you spend/invest it?

  1. 30k ETH, 30k XRP, 30k XLM.

    Other 60k can go into a yielding, you can make about 8-10% on this a year and set it and forget it type thing.

  2. Help my parents out. My mother is diagnosed with cancer and my dad has to work multiple jobs. I’m sure they will appreciate if I took the financial load off them.

  3. Finish off my kids’ 529 college savings accounts and probably add the rest to my savings I’m building up to by a rental property. Probably take about 10-15 for a family vacation sort of thing.

  4. About 60% of that would pay off my mortgage. Invest the rest. Especially right now.

  5. Debt go bye bye then probably a house down payment. Whatever’s left a small vacation and then stocks

  6. Give it to a crypto-bro and lose it all in a couple of months.

    Lol I’d just save it for my daughter’s college fund.

  7. Remodel my kitchen and master bathroom, rent a furnished apartment for a month so that I don’t have to live in the house while work is taking place, and split the rest between a couple index funds.

  8. New apartment. I’m selling my old one in a few months, so an additional 150k on top of that should get me a pretty nice one.

  9. I’d probably go and spend half of it on debauchery with women and booze. The rest of it… I’d waste.

  10. Buy a fake marrige from europe so i can run away from this shithole of a country called turkey

  11. Use half to make a massive installment on our mortgage and pay off the rest of my wife’s student loans, then invest about half of the remaining, and put the rest in a high interest savings account.

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